A bond between parents and a teacher translates into a better relationship between the student and the teacher as well. This in turn can be used to improve the overall experience for students while they are learning, creating or playing during their developing years.
Raising a young individual is serious business. Teachers and parents need to work in tandem to bring up a child and ensure that he lives limitless and excels in a chosen field. Ongoing discussions between parents and teachers can enhance the achievement and happiness of young learners, both inside the classroom as well as outside.
An open line of communication between parents and teachers as well as engagement of parents in school activities facilitate a better understanding of expectations of various stakeholders. This in turn can be used to improve the overall experience for students while they are learning, creating or playing during their growing up years.
Professional developmental programs are being initiated in different schools and universities across the world to improve the association between these two vital stakeholders. The idea is to provide training to teachers on how to engage with the parents of their students.
According to mentors, a close connection between parents and teachers can instill discipline in students, highlight achievements, and identify weaknesses; without that, students are not able to grow to their full potential and achieve all the dreams in their lives.
One could say that teachers are a school parents, he is responsible for the student at school. A parent can talk to a teacher and expect to get a comprehensive report on the behaviour as well as performance of the student at school. Such kind of a dialogue, as is evident in a parent teacher meeting, builds a strong relationship between the two groups and works really well for the overall development of the student.
Why is this important?
A bond between parents and a teacher translates into a better relationship between the student and the teacher as well. Students can place their trust and faith in the teacher and have someone on whom they can rely in school. The teacher in turn can channelize the energies and behaviour of their students towards productive activities.
A strong connection between parents and teachers triggers academic excellence as the work of the young one is monitored closely by both the groups. When a parent is involved, it creates a positive attitude in the child towards schoolwork. In such a context, the young child becomes more interested to attend school regularly. It ignites a passion for learning in young minds.
It is also important that the teachers understand the psychology of children and try and help the parents to sort out issues at home to ensure the complete wellbeing of the little ones.
If the teacher sees potential in a child, he should ideally inform the parents so that all of them can work together to nurture the talent in the little one.
How can such a connection be maintained?
A solid partnership between the parents and teachers can be maintained through technology tools, email, social media, and also over telephone calls. Moreover, one-on-one meeting can be used to share information pertaining to the overall growth and improvement of the child in the classrooms.
With improved technologies and software programs, students, parents and teachers can communicate openly with each other. The use of such technology saves time as the parents are not required to visit the schools physically while also being able to talk to the teachers and monitor the academic progress, discipline, and other activities of their children.
What should be the frequency of communication?
Ideally, communication between the parents and teachers should be on daily basis. It is not advisable for one of the parties to leave the entire responsibility of the child to the other. A consistent and open dialogue between the two parties can steer the students in the right direction and motivate them to make correct choices in their lives. For a school going child, parents as well as teachers are mentors and guiding souls who can shape their lives for the better with dedicated efforts every day.
REFERENCE: http://www.progressiveteacher.in/the-parent-teacher-connect-a-must-for-an-effective-learning-experience/