Educational Trips


Going on a Educational trip means more than simply leaving the school grounds. Educational trips should always have a major educational element, but the impact of Educational trips can extend much further. The importance of Educational trips includes giving students the chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience new environments and enjoy a day away from the classroom.When students and teachers are together outside the classroom, new educational environments and experiences are possible. Students may have the opportunity to observe many things that are not available at school, including exotic wildlife, historical monuments and rare plants.

Getting away from the everyday atmosphere of the classroom gives students an opportunity to spend time with each other in a new environment. They may be able to connect on more of a personal level without the structure of the normal school day. Students may be able to spend much of the Educational trip day in small groups, observing, chatting and learning about each other. Having a Educational trip in the early part of the term is wise, since it will allow students to bond with classmates they may not know very well.Educational trips provide valuable educational opportunities away from the classroom, without using textbooks and other tools used in a normal school setting. Students on Educational trips can often learn while having fun in a more informal environment.

No matter how much students learn during a Educational trip, their favorite memories may be based on their enjoyment of the day. Getting away from school for a day or even half a day is always exciting for students, and Educational trips are always highly anticipated. Students will have fun with their friends and they also may return to the classroom with a renewed focus on their schoolwork.

Educational trips can give students exposure to places they might not otherwise visit. Many schools, camps and institutions offer Educational trips for students to spend several hours or days outside of the classroom. Educational trips can offer many advantages to the students who take them. Educational trips also may give students a chance to interact with students from other schools as they learn together or participate in group activities. These trips tend to be the most memorable moments of a student’s career.

Places To Visit For Educational Tour:

Historical Places

Ancient Site and Remains, Burzahom

Empires of the IndusThe site contains eleven megaliths five of which are erected and others have fallen. Excavation at the site has revealed a three fold cultural sequence, starting from the Neolithic period and succeeded by Megalithic and early historical cultures. Bone tools, stone tools and pottery have been unearthed, besides a number of dwelling and burial pits pertaining to the Neolithic period.

Ancient Site of Chakradhar, Semthan

chakradharsemthanSituated in the Vijayesvarkshetra, as mentioned in Kalhana’s Rajatarangni, the excavation at the highest mound on a Karewa table and in village Semthan has yielded a cultural sequence consisting of the pre-Mauryan, Mauryan, Indo-Greek, Kushan-Hun and medieval periods. The results have partly bridged the gap between the Neolithic and Historical periods.


Shiva temple, Pandrethan

Pandrethan June 2009It is one of the best preserved temples of Shiva of the sarvatobhadra type, located in the middle f a tank. It is relieved by figure sculptures which are particularly remarkable on the ceiling. It has a two tiered pyramidal roof while its four entrances show the usual type of pedimented trefoil design. The edifice does not appear to be later that circa tenth century A. D.


Ancient Monastery, A Stupa, Harwan

harwanHarwan identified with Terracotta Tiles, Harwan Shadarhadvana is said to be the centre of the fourth Buddhist Council held during the reign of Kanishka. Among the remains are three-tired base of a stupa, a set of rooms in diaper pebble style of masonry. The area around the stupa is paved with decorated terracotta tiles. The antiquities found include terracotta figures, and fragments of Buddha image and a few clay tablets bearing miniature stupa in relief.

Ancient Stupa, Monastery and Chaitya, Devar Yakhmanpora / Parihaspora

indexAncient Stupa: On the northeastern corner of the Parihaspora plateau is the stupa of Cankuna, the Central Asian Minister of Lalitaditya. The base of the stupa is square with offsets and a flight of steps on each side. The board surface at the top of the plinth served as circumambulatory passage. The superstructure is lost and some architectural fragments like trefoil arches are lying at the site.

Ancient Monastery: Built by Lalitaditya (A. D. 724 – 760), the large square structure is the rajavihara or the royal monastery. The four sides of the courtyard are enclosed by cells numbering twenty-six. The cells have a verandah in front with a high plinth. A couple of stone drains and a large stone trough can be seen among the remains. Silver coins in a earthen jar were found in one of the cells.

Ancient Chaitya: Built by Lalitaditya, the Chaitya stands on a two tiered base. It has a square sanctum surrounded by a circumambulatory passage. A flight of steps on the east side leads to the entrance. The area has been fenced

Shankracharya temple, Srinagar

1416463487_Shankaracharya-Temple-The temple consists of a circular sanctum built on a high octagonal plinth approached by a long flight of steps flanked by two side walls. The plinth is surmounted by a parapet wall, the inner face of which is adorned by a range of arcuate recesses enclosed in rectangular panels. The upper part of the sikhara has disappeared. The temple is datable to circa seventh century A. D. The open area has been provided with some floories and beautificied.

Group of Ancient Temple, Naranag

naran nag 2Naranag is the modern name of ancient Sodaratirtha which was an important place of pilgrimage from early times. It contains two groups of temples. The first comprises six temples. The principal temple has a square base with two entrances opposite each other in the northeast and southeast sides. It has pyramidal roof and domical ceiling. The two sides which are closed are decorated externally. The second group of temples is enclosed in a parastyle pierced by a two chambered gateway. The largest temple has a square base. There is a rectangular trough of granite to let in a water of holy spring outside. The monuments is being conserved and preserved.

Ancient Temple Martand

ancienttemplemartandThe Sun Temple was built by Lalitaditya Mukatapida in the eight century A. D. It consists of a courtyard with the principal shrine in the middle and colonnaded peristyle around. The peristyle contains eighty four fluted columns. The entrance in the middle of western side of the quadrangle faces in the sanctum. The walls re profusely decorated with pedimented niches. The main shrine has three distinct chambers and some of its walls are carved with images. There are also six subsidiary shrines in the courtyard. A beautiful garden has been developed.

Avantiswamin Temple, Avantipur


Built by King Avantivarman (A.D. 855-883), this Vaishnava temple is constructed on a two tiered base in the centre of the paved courtyard enclosed by a colonnaded peristyle. The entrance, located in the middle of the west wall, is approached by a flight of steps. The walls of entrance are ornamented with sculptured reliefs both internally and externally. The pilasters of the stairs of the main shrine are also ornamented with sculptured reliefs. The courtyard has subsidiary shrines at the four corners .The famous Vaikunatha Vishnu is said to be found in this temple.

Bumzuva Cave and Temple, Bumzuva

bumzuva cave andtempleThe only important group of caves in Kashmir is located here. A temple is enshrined in one cave, which has a trefoil arched doorway surmounted by a pediment and side walls. On stylistic consideration it is assignable to circa twelfth century A.D. The main Shiva Temple was built on a high raised platform inside the cave. A Shiv linga installed on the right side of the Cave temple the area of the cave is approximately. 5X10 mts. The flight of steps with railings has been restored.

Tomb of Zain –Ul – Abidin`S Mother, Zaina Kadal, Srinagar


The tomb was built by Sultan Zainul- Abidin. Its superstructure comprises of a main central dome with four smaller domes in the corners. It is embellished with glazed blue tiles. Another enclosure with gateway to the north of the tomb contains a number of tombs one of which is said to be of the king himself.


Khanqah of Shah Hamdan, Srinagar

z0O2cUaIt is square edifice which is mostly built of wood with spaces filled by dressed bricks. It is embellished with wooden moldings and beautiful carvings over doors and windows. The roof is crowned by a steeply- shaped pinnacle. It is dated to fifteenth century A.D. This is one of the Architectural Landmarks of Kashmir.



Pather Masjid, Zaina Kadal, Srinagarheritage walk srinagar6

The mosque is said to have been built in A.D. 1623 by Empress Nur Jahan. Its façade consists of nine cusped arches including an arched portion in the centre. Its roof consists of twenty- seven domes which are partly ribbed and partly vaulted. The prayer hall has eighteen massive square columns.

Groups of Arched Terraces / Structural Complex, Pari Mahal, Srinagar

2775728757_a2db04bb96_oPari Mahal is a structure of six terraces built by Dara Shikoh. In the uppermost terrace, there are the ruins of two structures resembling a baradari and a reservoir. In the middle of second terrace is a large tank. The façade of the retaining wall is ornamented with series of twenty-one arches built in descending order. The third terrace has the main entrance. On either side of it are series of spacious rooms. The fourth terrace has remains of a tank. The fifth terrace has an arched retaining wall with pigeon holes. The sixth terrace has a rectangular tank in the middle and octagonal bastions at its ends. Fragments of earthen water pipes are still to be seen in the structure. The monuments is famous for its garden.

Hariparbat Fort, Srinagar


The Mughal fort situated on the banks of the Dal Lake of Srinagar, it is positioned on top of the Sharika Hill. Originally, it was built during the reign of Akbar but its present structure owes itself to the Afghan governor of Kashmir in the 18th century. It has a Parvati temple on the western slope and the Muslim shrines of Khwaja Makhdoom Sahib and Akhund Mullah Shah on the southern one. On the southern side of the outer wall there is a Guru Dwara, which commemorates the visit of Guru Hargobind Singh.

National parks in Kashmir

1) Dachigam National Park

2264Dachigam National Park is located at a distance of 22 km from Srinagar and covers an area of 141 sq. kms. Dachigam was initially established to ensure the supply of clean drinking water to Srinagar city. A protected area since 1910, it was declared as a national park in 1981. The park is best known as the home of the hangul, or Kashmir stag.


2) Salim Ali National Park

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Salim Ali National Park is located in Srinagar and covers an area of 9.07 sq. km. The park features a no. of wildlife species such as Hangul, Musk Deer, Himalayan Black Bear and Seventy (70) species of birds including Paradise flycathcher, Himlayan Snow Cock.


3) Kazinag National Park

Markhor-at-Kazinag-National-Park-KashmirKazinag National Park is situate in North bank of Jhelum close to Line of Control in Baramulla district about 70 kms away from capital city Srinagar. The National Park is famous for Markhor (Capra falconeri), Himalayan Musk Deer (Maschus crysogater) besides home of 120 species of birds and 20 species of mammals.


4) Kishtwar High Altitude National Parkkishtwar-wild

Kishtwar High Altitude National Park is a National Park located in the Kishtawar district and covers the area of about 400 sq. kms. The park is famous for Himalayan Snow Cock and brown bear.


Sri Pratap Singh Museum

143057355Located at “Lal Mandi”, Srinagar, Sri Pratap Singh Museum is the main museum of Kashmir. Once it was the summer palace of the Maharajas of Kashmir. It became a museum in 1898. This museum is known for its great collection of the handicrafts of Jammu and Kashmir. The “toshkhana” collection of this museum displays an interesting collection of pashmina (woolen) shawls, textiles, paintings, arms and armory, metal utensils, ornaments and handicrafts. Pratap Singh Museum boasts for its unique treasure of the needlework Map of Kashmir on a shawl. Some unique specimens of Kashmiri paper Mache can also be seen here. Sri Pratap Singh Museum has a good number of ancient sculptures made on stone.

Kashmir University Museum


Jammu and Kashmir University Museum, Srinagar is situated inside the campus of H.N.B. University. This museum is built in 1981 by the university. Kashmir University Museum has a great collection of relics from different ages of civilization in the valley. It has a great ethnographical collection. The museum may boast for its great collection of sculptures of the region. The university has taken good care to make it one of the important museums in the beautiful valley.


Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Botanical Garden

jawaharlal-nehru-memorialJawaharlal Nehru Memorial Botanical Garden, beautiful landscape garden took birth in the year 1969 on the enchanting Zabarwan mountain slopes near famous Mughal Garden Cheshmashahi, over­looking the panorama of Dal-Lake. This pleasure garden complex extends over an area of about 80 hectares and consists of several styles of gardens with unending joy for seekers of solace on informal and undulated landscape.
It comprises of four components- Recreational Garden, Botanical Garden, Research Section, and Plant Introduction Centre. A beautiful lake spread over an area of 17 hectares with joy riding boats is also the attraction of the garden. The garden provides a 3.5 Kilometer joyride, a pleasant water garden, inspiring colour feast of spring, fragrance and colour pageantry of roses, riot of colours in summer, changing autumn colours and captivating twitter of water falls. Over 1.5 Lakh ornamental plants, representing about 300 plant species have been planted in the garden.

Botanical Garden Kokernag, Anantnag


The pleasure garden of serene beauty against the backdrop of high and thick pine forests existed earlier on about 0.8 ha. in front of the famous springs of pure, cool mineral water.In 1969 the garden was extended to an area of about 26 ha. and converted into a’ Botanical Garden besides being a pleasure garden. New lawns have been laid and about One Lakh ornamental plants, trees, bushes, roses, as well as flora from the wild niches of higher range has been planted. A separate section comprising of wild flora of the valley is mainrained in this garden.Modern effects like rosary, Japanese bridges over the gushing water stream, water ponds, live garden seats, topiary work etc. are points of attraction in the garden.