The conversion of the people of Kashmir to Islam was further encouraged by the arrival of a host of Sayyids. Prominent among these were: (1) Sayyid Jalal-ud-Din of Bukhara, who was known as Makhdum Jahaniyan Jahangasht, the disciple of Shaikh Rukn-ud-Din Alam and arrived in 748 A.H., and left Kashmir after a short stay. (2)Syed Taj-ud-Din (the cousin of Mir Sayyid ‘Ali Hamdani or Shah Hamadan ), who arrived in 760 A.H., in the reign of Sultan Shihab-ud-Din and was accompanied by Sayyid Masud and Sayyid Yusuf, his disciples, who lie burried near his tomb in mahalla Shihampor, a quarter of Srinagar. (3) Syed Husain Simnani, who was the younger brother of Sayyid Taj-ud-Din, a disciple of Shaikh Rukn-ud-Din Alam, and came in 773 A.H.
It appears that the two brothers Sayyid Taj-ud-Din and Syed Husain Simnani were sent to Kashmir by Sayyid Ali Hamadani, revered for sanctity and eminent virtues, probably to survey the field for the propagation of Islam, and also to find means of escape from Timur, who was suspected of contemplating, from political motives, the massacre of this powerful Sayyid family. Sayyid Husain lies buried in a beautiful Shrine in Kulgam, a Tehsil of Islamabad. The other brother is buried just close to the road to Islamabad near Avantipor.
Sufi,G.M.D (1996). Kashmir Under The Mughals. Kashir: Being A History Of Kashmir(p. 84) Delhi:Capital Publishing House.