AskSundar: 5 valuable lessons from Google CEO Sundar Pichai


Google CEO Sundar Pichai interacted with students at the Delhi University. While speaking about his love for technology while growing up and dreams of being at Silicon Valley, he also gave out little insights on what a person should do to realise his/her dreams.

While addressing the gathering in SRCC at the Delhi University, Pichai said everyone can make it big.
Here are 5 most motivating quotes from #AskSundar interaction bid

1. Be bold enough to do something, do what excites you and listen to your heart. Think big, think scale

2. Take risks and be different.

3. Don’t give up. Change your attitude to failure. Wear your failure as a badge of honour and start again.

4. Pichai says it is good to feel insecure as it will always encourage you. Feeling insecure is an inherent part of learning.

5. Encourage creativity in educational system. Be more creative, it is important Learn how to do things, get hands-on experience right from school.