Amazing World Of Books!!!


‘Hey! I have finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What about you?’ …A common conversation of last three decades! Today, in the name of technology boom, our talk is different. We talk about downloads, WhatsApp, Google, Internet and Facebook, etc. What is missing from these and increasingly from our lives, is the activity through which most of us learned. What’s missing is the energy that instituted the outlines of our thoughts and showed us the way of life.

Thank God for books! They are the voices of the distant and the dead and they make us the successors of the spiritual life of the past ages. But over the past quarter century, the e-book sales have superseded the paperbacks and hardcovers. The death of encyclopaedia, dictionary, etc. speaks volumes of change in our attitudes. It’s a boon or a bane is debatable. Survival of books depends upon its benefits over E-books.

For young children and students:

Children learn to love the sound of language before they even notice the existence of the printed word on paper. When a parent reads from a book for the child, like storytelling by the granny or grandpa, a child starts reading with visual effects. The child develops a liking for reading and visualizing. At this stage a child needs to develop and imbibe the habit of reading which develops his skills to enhance thinking critically, analyse strategies and acquire skills. It helps to improve vocabulary, command over language and communication skills which will help him in comprehending issues in their right perspective. Remember, parents and teachers are partners in children’s learning.

For Leaders

Reading has always been a habit of great leaders. It’s one of the most powerful sources of growth, inspiration and new ideas. To inculcate leadership qualities we need to develop a strong self-image, positive attitude, courage and mental toughness to take decisions. There are a number of books on motivation, developing positive attitude, communication skills and how to be successful in life which are a source of inspiration for many. Reading good books develops one’s strength to face any situation with confidence.

For Parents:

Parental reading habits are a major influence on the reading habits of their children. As parents, we need to ensure that we read and pass on this good habit to our children. Reading with children spells success for early literacy. In today’s busy life we hardly get any time to read but we cannot neglect our children. We need to spend effective quality time which will develop good life skills and values as well as educate them about our mythology, history and above all children feel protected, which is very important for the right growth of the children. Encouraging good reading habits and modelling them as well sets up a parent as a role model for the love of reading.

Good communication skills

To possess the power of words, you need to see them in action and reading regularly is the single most powerful way to do that. Reading enhances and broadens the horizons of knowledge and enriches the soul of a person. A good reader can communicate in a better way. Interpersonal skills develop the personality and help the individual to become a better human being and highly successful. Value education which is being introduced by CBSE subscribes to the idea of reading good books which imbibes qualities like honesty, kindness, friendship, compassion, loyalty, bravery, etc. Reading books helps to develop extracurricular interests apart from academics. Books are our faithful friends with infinite benefits.

Reading leads to transformation of world of cultures, knowledge of what is happening around the world in various sectors like I.T., literature, scientific innovation and development, etc. We need to solve our day to day issues with expertise and experience. The quality of our life depends upon our problem solving skills, techniques and assessment. Books shape our lives in the right direction.

Reading of books –

1. Exercises our brain, develops the mind
2. Improves concentration
3. Helps us focus on our lives and souls
4. Exposes us to practical life
5. Develops language skills of reading and writing
6. Leads to flowering of a child’s imagination
7. Develops various feelings like empathy, compassion and charity
8. Through developed language skills the child excels in all the subjects in school
9. Great form of healthy entertainment
10. Relaxes the body, mind and soul
11. Helps discover new things
12. Reading helps in a sound sleep

Edward P. Morgan said ‘A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea … It is one of the few havens remaining where a man’s mind can get both provocation and privacy.’

Books are the most faithful of friends. It is rightly said that books are an abode of knowledge, virtues and selfless guidance. No wonder a reader becomes a ‘book-lover’.