

Shab-e-Barat 2016 would be celebrated by the people of Islam religion on 22nd of May, Sunday. However, the date of celebration varies according to the place and region such as, 16th of May, Monday (in Pakistan) and 3rd of June, Friday (in Bangladesh).

Previous night of the Mid-Sha’ban (15th day of 8th month means Shabaan, according to Islamic lunar calendar) is called as the Shab-e-Barat in many countries such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Iran. It is also known as the Laylatun Nisfe min Sha’ban or Laylatul Bara’ah in the Arab world. The meanings of this festival are night of records, night of Absolution, night of deliverance, night of assignment and night of salvation.

It is celebrated in cultural and traditional ways by getting involved in nightlong prayers of the Allah. In some areas of celebration, people commemorate their deceased ancestors during whole night prayer. The meaning of the Shab e Baraat in many other countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and etc is the ‘Night of Innocence’.

Customs and Traditions of Shab-e-Barat

Muslim people celebrate this festival with great joy and happiness by enjoying with each other and prayer. They prepare delicious sweets, Halwa, Zarda and other things to enjoy and distribute among their neighbors, relatives, family members and poor people. They distribute sweets on previous evening of the 15th of Sha’ban. The custom of Halva distribution also become in the Bosnia at 15th night of Sha’ban, Laylatul Mi’raj, Laylatul Qadr and Laylatul Raghaib.

Muslim people worship to their Almighty calling Allah to get lots of blessings and rewards for living peaceful and prosperous life. During this special occasion their heart becomes more softened and inclined to their Almighty. This occasion starts at the sunset of 14th and ends at sunrise of 15th. Some people enjoy very much spiritually and spend their whole night by praying and awakening however some of them worship for only half of night.

They recite the following rhymes from their Holy Quran: “Surely, We have sent it (the Holy Qur’an) down in a blessed night. Surely, We are the Warner. In this (night) judgment is given on all matters of wisdom (separately) by Our Command.”

Some people keep fast for whole day and worship for whole night. According to the Hazrat Ali, the Holy Prophet said “When the middle night of Shaban arrives, spend it in worship and fast during the day. On this night, at sunset, Allah descends to the nearest heaven and announces: ‘Is there no one asking forgiveness that I may forgive him? Is there no one asking provision that I may grant him provision? Is there no one afflicted that I may relieve them? Is there not such and such?’ (He keeps announcing) till the dawn comes.”

Significance of Shab-e-Baraat

The previous night of 15th of Shabaan is celebrated as Shab-e-Baraat means Lailatul Baraat which is considered as the Night of Absolution. According to the Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the meritorious fasting is “Fasting in Shabaan in honour of Ramadaan” who kept fast for whole Shabaan month and called it his month.

Shab-e-Baraat is a festival which is considered as the “Vessel for Mercy” when Muslim people are blessed, benefited, pardoned and forgave from their Almighty Allah. At this day Allah Taala descends to earth from the heaven, opens doors of the Mercy and forgives his people. According to their Holy Qur’an, Allah Ta’ala states that “Therein all matters of wisdom are sorted out for Decree.”


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