Slogans on Save Water


The availability of water on the earth has blessed this planet with the life. Water presence is the unique quality of this planet. This is the only known planet in this universe having water and thus life. Without water, we cannot imagine the life here. Water is the most precious element in this world and sign of life. We have provided below some interesting, motivative and useful slogan on save water. Even after knowing the fact that, we have very less percentage of clean water (of total water on the earth), people waste galons of water on daily basis. It is very necessary for us to be practiced to use clean water only according to the genuine purpose and save clean water as much as possible.

Following save water slogans are very motivative and helpful to the students and other users to make people aware about save clean water on any event celebration at public places or schools. All the easily written slogan on save water has a specific purpose regarding save water on the earth. Following slogans will work as an eye opener to the people. It will let people know that clean water is very essential for human being and animals. You can use following slogans to encourage people in the society to save water:

Save Water Slogan

Save Water and Save Lives on Earth.

Save Water to Save Life on Earth.

Save Water to Save this Planet.

If Drops can make an Ocean, they can finish too! So, Save Water.

Don’t waste even a drop of water otherwise you will be finished for a drop of water.

Water, Water Everywhere, but What! If it will be Nowhere.

Save Water through Water Conservation, as Water is Life and Conservation is Future.

Every Drop of Water Matters, as Every Drop has Life.

If you don’t know, ask the importance of water to a thirsty man.

Please Think and don’t Waste Water in the Sink.

Conserve Water, Conserve Life.

If you Save Water, Water will Save You.

Water is Worth for the Life on the Earth.

One can Live without Love but not without Water.

Don’t Waste Water to the Rest of Life.

Don’t Waste Water to Taste it Later.

Water, Water Everywhere but why We Lack a Drop to Drink.

Save Water, Secure Lives.

Conserve Rainwater to Save the Water for Future.

Bring Rainwater Tank to Save the Water Bank.

A Drip can Destroy many Drops.

Water is Priceless Gift of Nature, so Save it for Future.

Life Depends on Water and Water Conservation Depends on You.

Conserve Water! As no Water no Life.

We Need Clean Water to Drink, then why we Waste it to Sink.

Stop a Drip of Drop, it can Save a Life.

If Water is Life, then why we are wasting it!

Save the Sea to See the Future.

Water, Water everywhere, but we are dying for it.

Drink Water but don’t waste Water.

Some places are completely lack of water, just save it.

Don’t forget to save water, otherwise water will forget you a day.

Always revive in your mind that saving water can save a life.

Always remember to fill the glass up to the need.

Teach your kids to respect water so that they can have it later.

Every drop counts so let’s start having fount.

Turn off taps while brushing can save water more than you think.

Never throw drinking water; always save to have it later.

Be sure of any leakage to avoid water seepage.

Use water only when you need as like costly things.

Start water conservation to prevent future dehydration.

Think of water conservation to prevent it from extinction.

Save water! Your small step can be the major change.

Be the real human being and save the water from your end.

Understand your responsibility of saving water so that you can be blessed with later.

Don’t waste water to harvest it later.

Water is precious but its availability is serious.
