Study for knowledge not livelihood


Coming from a religiously oriented family, Iflah Shabir loves to wear hijab and starts her day with prayers. She is hesitant talking to men. She did not even go for tuitions and took help in studies from a relative living nearby. However, Iflah is more of a bibliophile spending most of her time in studies. Her hard work paid off, as she topped in 10+2 exams this year in the Home Science stream. “I feel sometimes I was frustrated, as I used to study for about 10 hours a day. But thanks to Allah, He has paid me for my hard work,” said Iflah. Apart from text books, Iflah loves to read Islamic literature and Islamic preacher Tariq Jameel is her inspiration. About choosing home science stream, Iflah says most of her cousins had opted for medical stream but were not content with it. “It was my cousin who told me that it is not about cooking but a combination of humanities and science subjects. In my darsgah, everybody has that misconception about the subject.” She says she chose it, because she was not interested in maths, and found arts boring. Iflah is all praise for her teachers at Girls Higher Secondary Kothi Bagh and credits them with her success. “I have never seen teachers like them. All credit goes to them. They encouraged me like their own children.” She is not fond of watching television but loves to watch religious videos online from her father’s cellphone. She enjoys reciting naats and loves to paint in her spare time. She also likes to play badminton at times, though she is not much inclined to sports. Iflah wants to remain away from the limelight, and has never expected to top the examination. Topping, she says, doesn’t define one’s abilities, but “is reflection of one’s hard work. She doesn’t have a phone, and uses her father’s one for accessing internet. For her, studies are a means for gaining knowledge and not a means to earn livelihood. Taking breaks from her serious approach, she does, however watch cartoon network at her cousin’s place.


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