Skiing to top


Bushra Amin of Khanbag, Pampore topped the class XII examinations with 489 marks. Bushra has been regularly topping her classes but was disappointed to end up with 12th rank in class X examination. That day she resolved to make it to the top in the higher secondary. A regular Nimazi, Bushra’s day begins with Fajr prayers and recitation of Holy Quran. She follows a time table for studies, but finds enough time to spend with family and friends. For her friends Bushra is not just a friend but a guide and an inspiration, who also keeps their secrets and gives them treats on demand. “I fell ill during examination and wanted to drop out, but Bushra inspired me to appear in the examination,” says Farhat, Bushra’s friend. Mehak Nabi, another friend adds, “She helped me during examination both at school as well as at home. We spent a lot of time at my home after school hours.” Bushra doesn’t confine herself to studies though. She says she loves adventure sports and has done a basics course in snow skiing from Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering, (IISM) Gulmarg. In a snow skiing tournament held at Gulmarg in 2013 she won the first prize. In water skiing held during the 2013 summer, Bushra was awarded consolation prize. She has also enjoyed an adventure with Paraskiing from the same Institute in the 2014. She wants to take more courses in snow skiing. She doesn’t like domestic chores, but loves food. Bushra likes to watch Zindagi channel on TV, but with siblings also watches Cartoon Network and Chota Bheem on Pogo. Bushra finds her parents, both teachers, helpful and supportive. “Whatever the hardships mom is going through, she doen’t want me to think about them,” said she in a sad tone. “She had to undergo a surgery but she delayed it for my exams.” Bushra’s parents have left the onus and career choices on her, but want her to pursue studies in Kashmir only. Her mother, Saleema Akhtar, says the most important thing is to be a good human being and to serve the society.