The Great Bodhisattva-Nagarjuna


Nagarjuna -the great Bodhisattva lived in his time at Harvan, higher up the Shalimar. He was a Buddhist alchemist of great fame. He was born in the land of Vidarbha (Berar) as the son of a wealthy Brahman who had remained childless for many years . Astrologers were called in and they found that the child could only have a span of seven years. Before the end of the seventh year, his parents, in order to be spared the painful sight of the child’s predicted death, sent him on a journey to other places till he arrived at Nalanda and met Acharya Rahula. At Nalanda he became a monk, and devoted himself to religious studies. He contradicted the doctrines of the Brahmans and taught the monks at Nalanda. The Nagas used to attend his sermons in the guise of young boys. On invitation from the Nagas, he resided three months in their dwelling place. On account of his connexions with the Nagas, he received the name of Nagarjuna. One statement is that his mother gave birth to him under a tree called Arjuna. Hence Naga and Arjuna combined and became Nagarjuna. In course of time, Nagarjuna became the head of the whole Buddhist church. Most authorities agree that Nagarjuna flourished in the first century of the Christian era. He is one of the celebrated teachers elevated to Bodhisattvaship and is the alleged founder of the Mahayana system which he is said to have introduced into Tibet. He is represented as at once a poet, a philosopher, a physician and an author of great ability. Perhaps, different Nagarjunas have been mixed up in one.


Sufi,G.M.D (1996). Kashmir Under The Mughals. Kashir: Being A History Of Kashmir(pp.42-43) Delhi:Capital Publishing House.