Tag: animals
Elephants are the largest land animal. They weigh up to 12,000 pounds and can be 12 feet tall!
Queen Mab’s Stable: 7 of the Smallest Animals
Size isn’t everything. These Lilliputian creatures, the smallest in their respective taxonomic groups, show that diminution has its advantages.
6 Domestic Animals and Their Wild Ancestors
This Encyclopedia Britannica list features 6 domestic animals and their wild ancestors.
9 Fish Named After Other Animals
This is a list of fish with common names that are based on the names of other animals.
7 Animals That Turn White in Winter
As the mercury drops and the weather turns snowy, soon folks all around will be reaching for their warm winter coats, scarves, and caps. But humans aren't the only ones whose outfits change with the seasons. Here are seven winter animals for whom winter comes with a change of wardrobe. And just like every year, white's all the fashion.