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Tag: articles from dailies

Every Teacher, Every Day: What Teachers Need to Implement Effective Reading...

A veteran reading teacher shares takeaways from her 'Teachers as Readers' learning group on what teachers should experience every day to implement effective reading instruction for all readers, including those who are motivated, advanced, reluctant, or struggling. Teachers need enough time to teach language arts, well-stocked classroom libraries, student input, and meaningful professional development.

Eating potatoes may increase high blood pressure risk

Potatoes are one of the world's most commonly consumed foods -- and are a high source of potassium.

Teacher Facilitates Cooperative Learning

Students, are you paying attention? Are you listening to me? Is this lesson clear to all? Many of us as teachers have used one or perhaps all of these questions in classroom situations to arrest the attention of learners or to drive home an idea to conclude a lesson affectively. But are these questions really successful in achieving specific goals with learners? Let us think this through!

Need To Combat Cancer

Increasing number of cancer patients in the State is a matter of grave concern for everybody. It is the one disease on which entire world community has focused efforts of research and treatment but so far remains elusive. There is coordination among many countries and health organizations in the world to fight the deadly disease. So far no real breakthrough is visible and as such there is no relent in research efforts world over.

Eat seafood meal once a week to stay sharp

Including seafood or other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids at least once a week in your diet may protect against age-related memory loss and thinking problems in older people, says a study.

IIT-K students develop unique turbine to generate power

At a time when several parts of Uttar Pradesh are battling power crisis and looking for alternate sources of energy to generate more electricity, two students of the Indian Institute of Kanpur have developed an unconventional wind turbine to generate power for residential purposes.

Want to fix high blood pressure? Eat this semi-fat cheese

Grana Padano — a hard, slow-ripened, semi-fat cheese — is one of the most popular cheeses in Italy. And now scientists are saying that a serving of this cheese can bring your blood pressure down.

Teacher Readiness

A lot has been said and written about student readiness in terms of prepping them up for learning, motivating them, incentivizing learning, creating a conducive environment to facilitate learning and so on. But very often the most crucial element, an undeniable prerequisite and an uncontentious factor namely teacher readiness gets overlooked in our discourses on approaches to maximize learning outcomes of our students.

Hear Your Child out: It Works!

It is important to remember that children experience anxiety in their own individual way. Most children find it calming to be able to talk about their anxiety and to explain to their parents what they think is causing these feelings.

All you need to know about hypertension

Hypertension is one of the most common lifestyle diseases today, with every third person we meet, having suffered from it. And experts say that even kids can be victims of high blood pressure. Read on to find out more...