Tags Posts tagged with "articles from dailies"

Tag: articles from dailies

Eating fruits, vegetables daily may cut artery disease

The findings revealed that people who ate three or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables had 18 per cent lower odds of PAD than those who ate less.

How to choose your stream after Class 10 boards for a...

After you give your class 10 board exams, you face the first biggest decision in life: Which stream do you choose? This could make or break your career...

Heavy school bags burden Kashmir children: Survey

83% Children Carry Bags Heavier Than Permitted Weight, Face Grave Health Risks

Different strokes

Exams require different approaches of study. Here’s how you can optimise your preparation.

Spending time in nature may improve well being

Feeling low? Try hiking or spending time outdoors, say scientists who have found that engaging with natural ...

World Liver Day: Understand your liver, prevent it from diseases. Here’s...

Liver is an important part of the human body and prone to diseases. This World Liver Day, make yourself aware of the causes of liver diseases, symptoms and preventive measures to take.

Brain games do not boost your memory, cognitive skills: Study

Even if you get very good at crossword puzzles, it is not going to help you remember where your car keys are, say researchers.

Info for special needs, a click away

Chennai-based youngsters Rashmi Devaprasath and Advitya Thapa have created a comprehensive directory for people with special needs and disabilities

Want to improve your vocabulary? Here’s how to learn four new...

A series of apps developed by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) can help you learn 57 new words in over two weeks during idle moments.

New mind-reading technology developed

The technology can recognise the numbers zero to nine with 90 per cent accuracy using electroencephalogram (EEG) readings while the subject utters the numbers.