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Tag: Inspirational


Socrates (469 BC–399 BC) – Socrates showed the power and integrity of independent thought. Socrates taught by encouraging people to honestly question their preconceptions. His method of self-enquiry laid the foundations of Western Philosophic thought.

Florence Nightingale-Biography

Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910) Volunteered to nurse soldiers during the Crimean War. The pitiful conditions and her statistical analysis helped to revolutionise the service of nursing and the treatment of patients.

B.R. Ambedkar biography

(1891 – 1956) Indian social reformer. Ambedkar was born in the Mahar ‘untouchable’ caste, but became a pioneering political activist and social reformer. He was the principle figure in the drafting of the Indian Constitution, which outlawed ‘untouchability’ and promoted equality.

Mother Teresa

A modern day saint who sought to identify with and offer compassion to the unloved and destitute. Lived a life of voluntary poverty and service to the poor.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln overcame many setbacks to become the most influential American President. In his famous Gettysburg speech, he inspired the nation with his noble words and helped to bring about the abolishment of slavery.