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Tag: News alerts

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) includes popular books...

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) introduced its uniform syllabus for 2017-18 in Lucknow on Wednesday .

The Disappearing Pillars Of Learning

It is true that from childhood to adulthood we have been part of a very structured form of education. And it drives us to become ‘capable’ and ‘successful’. It also generates fear and anxiety.

Why History

One question that a Social Science teacher often faces at the hands of students is that of the ‘relevance’ of History –kings, treaties, pacts, timelines, dates, etc, etc, etc. For them it is a seemingly irrelevant, never ending cauldron of facts and figures. And how can one best answer about the relevance of something that is eternally pertinent, for one can’t live the present or step into the future without knowing about the past.

Effects of competition on academic performance

Competition in our schools is much different than it was a decade ago. Many people have very strong views on competition in schools. Some think that it’s bad and that it robs students’ self-esteem and increases their level of anxiety about their education. Then there are those who believe that it is not only beneficial to students, but vital to their overall education.

Environmental Education: Gateway to sustainable development

Environmental Education (EE) is an approach, a philosophy, a tool, and a profession. As a discipline, it is applied in many ways for many purposes. Historically, it is believed that the environmental education started to develop in response to the worlds growing environmental problems in the 1960s.

Get yourself checked

Know this disease and beware of your health status, because it matters

Golden opportunity for science enthusiasts

Thousands of students aspire to become a research scholar and/or intend to become a scientist as a career choice. But, often they are clueless as to how to go about it. For such students Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) opens up the door as early as Class XI.

Molecules designed to reduce damage after heart attack

Researchers have designed molecules with the potential to deliver healing power to stressed cells — such as those involved in heart attacks.

Revamping Research and Innovation

Among competing nations, India is still far behind in research and technological advancement

Climate horror

Chilai Kalan - the harshest part of winter in Kashmir has arrived and the climate has seen no significant change. There has been no downpour from past six months and we are experiencing a severe drought. This has been the longest drought from past 30 years.