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Tag: News alerts

Stressful jobs can actually make you find ways to solve problems

Is stress at your workplace affecting your life? A new study finds that stressful jobs can make you find ways to solve problems and work through ways to get the work done, instead of making something debilitating, it can actually be something that is energising.

Arctic heatwave could break records this Christmas

Temperatures at the North Pole could be up to 20 degrees higher than average this Christmas Eve, in what scientists say is a record-breaking heatwave, a media report said on Saturday.

Making school learning inclusive

We must systematically analyse the societal and linguistic problems that beset our socially diverse children and the systemic shortcomings responsible for elementary school teachers’ problematic beliefs. If this exercise is not undertaken, the improvement in learning achievement will remain an uphill task.

Diabetes, Hypertension on rise in Kashmir: DHSK

The Directorate of Health Services Kashmir (DHSK) has started a systematic, ongoing campaign of screening of general public above 30 years of age for non-communicable diseases i.e. diabetes and hypertension under National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, CVD and Stroke (NPCDCS).

Childhood obesity: Causes and Consequences

One of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century is childhood obesity

Let them choose their career

Why do parents thrust their choice on their children. There is a world beyond medical science and engineering

Make your tea a healthy beverage

Steep tea for only 15 minutes at boiling temperature gives better antioxidant activity

DPS Srinagar achieves feat

Delhi Public School (DPS) Srinagar today achieved feat by becoming only school in Kashmir to be selected by NITI-Aayog for establishing the prestigious Atal Tinkering Lab.

‘Paper-wrapped food poses health risk’

Citing health hazards, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has launched a campaign urging vendors of roadside eateries to stop serving food items wrapped in newspaper.

DNA diversity helps some fish tolerate toxic levels of pollution

Some groups’ killifish are up to 8,000 times more resistant than others, thanks to their high levels of genetic variation.