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Tag: science

9 Animals That Look Like Leaves

Here are nine amazing examples of leaf look-alikes from around the world. Giant leaf insect. Satanic leaf-tailed gecko. Indian oakleaf butterfly. Malayan leaf frog. Moss mimic stick insect. Dead-leaf grasshopper. South American leaf fish. Leaf katydid.

7 Plants You Can’t Even Touch

Plants don’t enjoy losing their leaves to herbivores and have evolved a number of ingenious strategies to deter leaf predators. Unfortunately for humans, several of these chemical defenses can cause painful skin reactions. Read on to discover some plants that could burn, blister, or otherwise irritate you!

Wee Worlds: Our 5 (Official) Dwarf Planets

Read on to meet our (current) five. 5Pluto. 4Eris. 3Ceres. 2Haumea. 1Makemake.

National Science Day

National Science Day is celebrated all over India with great enthusiasm on 28th of February every year in order to commemorate the invention of the Raman Effect in India by the Indian physicist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman on the same day in the year 1928.

Nutritional Powerhouses: 8 Foods That Pack a Nutritional Punch

All foods are not created equal when it comes to health benefits. Some foods are nutritional powerhouses that leave the others in their dust. Here are some of the more interesting, and in some cases, not widely known, foods that pack a nutritional punch, listed in no particular order.

Queen Mab’s Stable: 7 of the Smallest Animals

Size isn’t everything. These Lilliputian creatures, the smallest in their respective taxonomic groups, show that diminution has its advantages.

5 Vertebrate Groups

Several groups of vertebrates inhabit planet Earth. Let’s take a tour of the five main vertebrate groups alive today: the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

7 of the World’s Most Dangerous Lizards and Turtles

To many people, lizards and turtles are bizarre-looking creatures. Many lizards are considered menacing because of their seemingly expressionless faces combined with their claws...

9 Mind-Altering Plants

plants that, amazingly, affect the brains and mental states of the humans who ingest them.

10 of the World’s Most Dangerous Fish

Despite the fact that fishes are beautiful, sometimes they prove to be extremely dangerous as well. Here are the top 10 most dangerous fishes ...