Tags Posts tagged with "Short Stories"

Tag: Short Stories

A Hole in the Fence

Let our words be kind and sweet

The Night Before

http://kb.dpssrinagar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/The-Night-Before.pdf View in full screen


This is the short Pinocchio story. Long ago, an old carpenter named Gepetto, caved a puppet in the shape of a boy and named it...

Think Before You Speak

It was a sunny day, but the climate was enjoyable. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train to arrive. Among the...

The Fox and the Grapes

One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. "Just the thing...

The Boy who cried Wolf

Once there was a shepherd boy who had to look after a flock of sheep. One day, he felt bored and decided to play...

The Story of Cinderella

Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman,...

The Foolish King

Once upon a time, there was a foolish King who believed that he was the cleverest of all the people in his kingdom. He...

The Monkey and the Dolphin

One day long ago, some sailors set out to sea in their sailing ship. One of them brought his pet monkey along for the...

The Milkmaid and her Pail

Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a pail on her head. As she went along, she began calculating what...