Activity Name: Poetry



Materials required:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/pen
  • Colored paper
  • Printout of rhymes
  • Boxes
  • Scissors
  • Damaged books
  • Newspapers
  • Sketch pens
  • Chart paper
  • Glue stick
  • Tape
  • Poster colors


Poetry is universal as poems have a beat stick in the brain of children as children dance to it, sing to it and feel to it. Poetry taps to each listeners heart and soul in the ways that other texts may miss. From an educational point of view poetry fosters social and emotional growth. We have selected poetry as an activity in our library as poems among children are great avenues for self expression. Students who don’t speak much can listen to, read or write a poem in their own language as it is already mentioned poetry is universal.


Poetry is a great way for children to experiment and explore language and develop phonemic awareness. Children may not have much exposure to poetry and may be apprehensive about presenting their own verses aloud to a group. so we selected poetry as an activity in the library. The main objectives of poetry are as follows:

  1. To give students a free outlet for the expression of feelings and ideas through the poems they write.
  2. To improve reading, expressive and communication skills of students.
  3. Writing and reciting poems is usually fun for kids so it will be a source of entertainment for them by sharing their experiences.
  4. Students can recognize their experience and perception have value.
  5. Memory of students at this age is very receptive and retentive and if good poetry is learnt at this stage it will help them in future exposures and will improve their reading recognition skills, oral delivery, fluency and sharpens memory.

How librarian will introduce activity to students

The librarian will explain the activity by telling them that prose can be used to narrate , describe, argue or define but poetry is a lot of things to lot of people. she will tell them that there are numerous reasons  for writing poetry. It evokes in the reader an intense emotion , joy, sorrow, anger and love. So every student will have reason to write, to express his/her feelings. poetry is imagination, it is riddle, overflow of powerful feelings which can make you laugh, cry or even yawn.

The activity of poetry will be explained through Ppt in the library.

After explaining the activity 6 main types 6 main types of poetry which are quite interesting and very easy for students to understand and then even express and write. The names of types of poems are quite unique and new to students and they will be more excited when introduced through ppt in library.


A form of poetry from Japanese culture, consisting of three lines of poetry in which the 1st and 3rd lines have 5 syllables and the 2nd line has 7 syllables. Often the subjects of haiku are nature or season.

Examples of Haiku:

I am first with five

Then seven in the middle

Five again to end.

Example of “what ia am ?” Haikus

Green and speckled legs                           In a pouch I grow

Hop on logs and lily pads                         on a southern continent

Splash in cool water                                  strange creatures I know

Haikus can be a way through which children can express their inner souls, a window through which one can see a child’s world.

Soft little droplets

Which quench mother natures thirst

Making the world green

By Kristen Armand


A gentle breeze blows

Taking the scent of a beed

Along for the ride .

By Samantha kein.

To make it more interesting for students they will be asked to sit in the secret garden(veranda) to imagine and write.


This type of poem doesn’t need to rhyme.

Examples of acrostic:

For example, I especially like to eat ice cream, so I decided to write an acrostic about ice cream. Begin by writing the word “ICE CREAM” down the page like this










Five lines verse  usually containing humor and specific rhyme pattern.

Example of limerick:

The rhyme scheme of limerick is known as “AABBA”.This is because the last words in lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme. Those are the “A’S” in the rhyme scheme . “B’s” are the last words of lines 3 and 4.

There was a young fellow named hall

Who fell in the spring in the fall

I would have been a sad thing

Had he died in the spring,

But he didn’t – he died in the fall.


A cinquain which by the way , is pronounced “sin-cane” not  “sin-kwane” is a form of poetry that is very popular because of its simplicity . The first and last lines have just two syllables, while the middle lines have more , so they end up with a diamond like shape, similar to the poetic form called diamante.

Though they are just five lines long, the best cinquains tell a small story, instead of just having descriptive words, they may also have an action, a feeling caused by the action, and a conclusion or ending.

Example of cinquain:

Ice cream

Ice cream

Cold and yummy

I love its sweet richness

As it finds its way into my



My messy room

My room

Is such a mess

Toys all over the place

Mom says,”cleanup!” but I like it

Like this.


Using five senses the poet takes a concept and expresses how it feels, looks, smells,tastes and sounds. Students can write on topic playground.


It is aform of poetry which uses specific pattern of rhyme or meter.


Class 3rd ,4th  and 5th :

1st week: In 20 mins the activity will be explaines to the students through ppt with examples of each type of poem. In next 15 mins all the students of class 3rd,4th and 5th will be given the fill in the blank and “poem starts” to complete in the library by filling in the blanks. The students will think, imagine , try to use rhyming words and at the same time read the poem. After completing this task the students will come to know how creative they are:

6 groups will get 6 different rhymes but in each group all the students will do it individually (each student 1 copy).

2nd week: In 1st five mins the librarian will explain that they have to arrange the poems and paste on chart paper. A printout of childrens poems will be taken and each poem will be cut line wise  and each group will be given 1 box with all lines from two poems in a jumbled manner. They will take these lines and arrange them in sequence like we do in a poem. They will paste these lines on chart paper the way they think is correct. Then the group that will complete the poems in 25mins will be rewarded.

3rd week:


Students will be given the option of writing a “HAIKU” or any other form of poetry in 20 mins in the library. The whole library will be decorated with charts with examples of haiku and other forms of poetry so that students get idea of how to write these types of poems. To make it more interesting students can sit on the veranda of the library if they want to write a haiku on nature so that they can observe and write.

4th week: books will be issued.

Class 7th-10th

Blackout poetry: Blackout poetry focuses on rearranging words to create a different meaning. Also known as newspaper blackout poetry, the author uses a permenant marker to crossout or to eliminate whatever words or images he sees as unnecessary or irrelevant to effect he’s seeking to create.the central idea is to device a completely new text from previously published words and images, which the reader is free to interpret as he wishes.

The blackout activity of poetry will be explained to the students through display board and ppt of how this activity is done in 10mins. The students will be given 3 pages each from the books that are damaged in encounter. The activity of blackout poetry will be assigned to the students and they can come up with 3 different poems.

This activity will be done individualy in 30 mins.

2nd week: Blackout poetry will be more interesting for the students when they will be doing it in a group. Each group will be given a newspaper so that 6 students can distribute it among them and use black marker and redact newspaper articles to create poetry. The group which comes up with interesting and amazing stuff will be rewarded and the poems will be put on display board in library. Now the blackout poets isolate them piece together single words or short phrases from these texts to create lyrical master pieces.

3rd week:

Book spine poetry

Book spine poetry will be explained in 10 mins to students by asking them to start moving the books which are provided into stacks with the spines together so that the titles are like the lines of the poem. Move the books to change the order of titles until you find the arrangement that sounds the best. Then the students will be given the option of writing Haiku or any other form of poem as the whole library will be decorated with different forms of poems so that they get an idea to write the poems. The veranda can be used to make the activity more interesting as Haiku is mostly about nature. This will be done in 25 mins.

4th week: books issued

End product: different types of poems of students on display board.