Activity name: Jolly postman (Letter Writing)








Task Analysis:

Grade :- 3-10

Materials Required  for Activity:-

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Envelope
  • Stamp
  • Postbox
  • Decorated paper


Materials Required for Display Board:-

  • Chart Paper
  • Scissor
  • Colored paper
  • Glue Stick
  • Sketch Pen
  • Tape

Why letter writing was chosen as an activity in the library

Most of the kids today have little experience with letter writing and the pleasure of getting a letter in the mail. So to make it appealing to the children we will be doing this fun activity of letter writing in the library. The sheer fun of sending and receiving letters appeals to every child. There is something special about putting letters into the post box and then having letters delivered by the postman… the brightly colored stamps, seeing your name on the envelope and knowing that inside is a long awaited letter from a friend or member of the family, teacher, author or anyone else. It shows someone cares and has taken the time to sit down and think about you.

The librarian will explain that handwritten letters have a charm of their own. The students can take time to think about what they want to say. They can keep letters to read again and again. Responding by letter is very different to the immediacy of a text message or an email.

Librarian will resurrect the tradition of letter writing and get children involved. School wide writing is effective when the work is authentic and engaging. Having all classes from 3-10 involved in the letter writing of different types and to different persons can be an incredible experience for most of the kids. It is an authentic way for kids to experience the culture of writing.

 Objective :

  • Letter writing is essential skill to Improve Communication and social skills.
  • Letter writing is slow personal and soul baring way to communicate.
  • Compose a written text.
  • Asking for information politely.
  • Exchanging ideas and opinions.
  • Writing about personal experience and feelings.
  • Share dreams and thoughts.
  • Self expression.
  • Letter creates lasting memories. Writing with hand increases your neural activity more than typing.
  • They show how much you care.
  • They make you feel good.
  • The make every word count.
  • They spark creativity .
  • They require your undivided attention.
  • They make you live entirely in the present movement and the thoughts you are putting on paper.
  • They honor tradition.
  • They are timeless.

How Librarian will Introduce activity of letter writing to students:

Every student is aware of letter writing as it is the part of required curriculum. To make it appealing to the students the librarian will introduce the activity by name JOLLY POSTMAN. The librarian will put the mailbox in the library which she will make from big cardboard box of 3ft height and 2ft breadth covered with red glazed paper to give it a look of mailbox. The Librarian will inform the students that letter writing will be celebrated in the library  and they will be given the option of writing letters to any one they wish be it a teacher, author ,parent or friend. The Activity will be introduced through display board also.

Time management:

This activity will be performed twice a month i.e., in the 1st week and 3rd week and books will be issued in 2nd and 4th week.

The students will enter the library and sit according to groups in 5mins that are formed in starting of the session. The librarian will explain the activity and select the postman of the group in 5 mins who will be responsible for posting all the letters in the postbox which is in the library. After that the students will be asked to write a letter individually in 25 mins. Then last 5mins of the period will be utilized for posting the letter.

Explanation of the Activity:-

For Class 6th – 10th :-

Letter to teacher

1st week: The  librarian will explain that the students are supposed to write a letter to their former teacher, to a teacher who is teaching them presently or any teacher who has made any kind of impact  on his/her life. She will inform them that all the letters they will write will be delivered to the teacher the very same day if the teacher is in the school and if any teacher replies, then the coming week that letter will be given to the student. The librarian will explain some points which the student should keep in mind while writing the letter which are as under:

  • Teacher plays an important role in students life.
  • Sometimes a student wants to show his/her appreciation by writing a letter to teacher.
  • Students want to share some thoughts with teacher.
  • Whether the teacher tutoring make any difference to the student.
  • Funny moments during class (any anecdote) or any moment you didn’t like in the class.
  • Whether the teacher used polite language while teaching in the class or not but the students should avoid cuss words and keep their tone calm and professional.
  • Be specific when talking about your feelings.
  • Did he/she help you improve in any way.

After explaining these points they will be asked to write the letter and put it in an envelope with teachers name and then post the letter in the letterbox that is in the library.

2nd week: Books will be issued.

3rd week: As the students will be completely aware about letter writing they will be given the task of writing a letter to any author be him/her their favourite author or the one whose books they didn’t like reading. It will be promised by the librarian that the letters will be posted to the author (if author is alive) and if they receive a reply it will be handed over to the student. The librarian will explain some points to the students that they should keep in mind while writing a letter to the author which are as under:

  • Letter should be thoughtful and personal.
  • Don’t just ask the questions, tell the author something about yourself , what you read, why you read and why you enjoyed reading his/her book.
  • Author enjoy hearing from readers, your letter may inspire author to keep writing.
  • Letter can be short and sweet but meaningful or long and flowery depending on what you want to communicate to the author.
  • To express appreciation.
  • Inform the author that his/her book was fascinating, stimulating and he had created a literary wonder that changed your life.
  • Your letter to author can be great help to him in knowing that his piece of work is reaching the intended audience.

4th week: Books will be issued.

Class 3 :

1st week: Students will be writing a letter of complaint to Goldilocks parents as she has done something wrong.

 The librarian will ask the students to imagine what Mr. Bear must have been thinking at the end of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. A naughty girl had broken into his home, eaten his porridge; broken a chair and then gone to sleep on his child’s bed. Then she had run away without even saying sorry when the bears came back.

They will be asked to write a  letter of complaint from Mr. Bear to the parents of Goldilocks. What would he say? He would need to get his complaint across very strongly. There would be a list of Goldilocks’ misdeeds. He would ask for an apology. Would he ask for payment for the broken chair? Would he ask for action to be taken against Goldilocks? The librarian will discuss the various possibilities with the children then ask them to write a letter in the library. They will be asked to write the following address on the envelope:

Mr Bear

Cottage No 1


Then all the students will post the letter in the letter  box of the library. The librarian will reply to each and every child from class 3 and  the envelope will be having the following address:

Name  of student

Class 3

Middle wing


3rd week: The Envelopes with the reply from Goldilocks parent will be given to them in library by a postman who will be a student from every class selected by the librarian. The students will open the letters and read them in the library.

Class 4th and 5th:

1st week: The students will be asked to write a letter to Santa  not asking for special toys at Christmas time but by thinking about Santa Claus himself? What is his life like? What are the problems of living amid all that snow and ice?

Children in 4th class will write letters to Santa. They will be asking him about life at the North Pole. What do they think it is like? What sort of characters live there? How does Santa Claus occupy his time for the rest of the year? Consider how they would feel living in a land of snow and ice all year round? Would they want a holiday somewhere warmer? They will be asked to write the address of Santa on the envelope.

Once the letters are written, the students will post them in the letterbox. Students of class 5th will be issued books.

2nd week

The librarian will collect the letters from class 4th and give them to students of class  5th  and ask them to write a reply . This would give them the opportunity to use their imagination and create imaginative responses, possibly little stories about life at the North Pole. They could also add in their own ideas. But care should be taken to make sure that all the questions in the original letters are answered. The students have to imagine themselves as Santa and write the reply in the library. Then the librarian will collect them and will give them to the students of class 4th  through post man who has been selected by the librarian in the library. The letters will be delivered  in the 3rd week of the month. The students of class 4th will open the letter and read it in the library.

Class 4th will be issued books.

End product: The best letters will be displayed on the display board in the library.