1.Be friendly.
Be the kind of person children likeand trust; be firm, fair, friendly, courteous, enthusiastic, confident; keep your sense of humor.
2.Make learning fun.
Make education interesting, and relavent to the students’ lives. Poor planning and a full curriculum can provoke disruption.
3.Get to know your students.
You will soon develop almost a sixth sense for anticipating trouble before it begins, and don’t act as though you expect trouble or you will almost certainly encounter some.
4.Keep your classroom orderly.
A disorderly one might encourage disruptive behavior.
5.Don’t use threats to enforce discipline.
Never humiliate a child.
6.Avoid arguing with students.
Discussions about work are invaluable, but arguments can become emotional encounters.
7.Let the students know you care.
Determine jointly with the class what is acceptable in terms of behavior and achievement and what is not. Show interest in what students say.
8.Keep rules simple.
Establish as few classroom rules as possible, and keep them simple.
9.Give reasonable assignments.
Don’t use schoolwork as punishment. Give clear directions.
10.Use the LEAST approach.
When students do disrupt learning, employ the LEAST approach to discipline:
- Leave things alone when a brief and minor disturbance occurs with no danger of its continuing or interrupting learning. However, be aware of what’s going on.
- End the action indirectly when learning is disrupted or someone may get hurt. Let the student or students involved know you’re aware of what’s going on through expression or quiet action.
- Attend more fully when a high level of emotion is evident. Ask the disruptive student(s) what’s going on and respond appropriately.
- Spell out directions when a situation threatens to get out of hand, making learning impossible or risking harm to someone. Explain to the students involved the consequences of their actions and let them know you will follow through.
- Track student progress by keeping a record of the students’ behavior. This is a way of checking out the effectiveness of your discipline methods.
11.Be fair to your students.
Here are some ways to help you win the respect of your students:
- Be consistent in application of discipline and just in your requirements and assignments
- Don’t refuse to let a student tell you his or her side of the situation. Be willing to consider mitigating circumstances.
- Don’t talk about the misdeeds of students except to those who have a right to know. Don’t openly compare one pupil to another.
- Apologize if you’ve treated a student unjustly
- Make sure punishments are appropriate for the misbehavior, and explain to the student why he or she is being punished