Sayyid Mubarak Khan Baihaqi [986 A.H. or 1578 A.C.]


Sayyid Mubarak, now installed as a ruler, started his short regime in a somewhat unceremonious way, rather Lenin-like in a socialist manner. He broke up the crown and divided its gems amongst the poor. His manifest disregard of his nobles, however, seriously offended them. They plotted for the return of Yusuf Shah. Sayyid Mubarak however, sent Daud Mir, a courtier, with an invitation to the exiled king, who sent his sons, Yaqub Khan and Ibrahim Khan, intending to follow them himself. But he was secretly warned against this by Abdal Bat, the commander of forces, who explained that the invitation was a ruse played by Sayyid Mubarak. Eventually, however, he gave battle and was severely defeated, whereupon he disappeared behind the Brinal hill in Tahsil Kulgam.

Abdal Bat, the commander, maneuvered so successfully that he threw both Yusuf Shah and Sayyid Mubarak into utter confusion, and also caused them to fight each other. The result was that Abdal’s clever machinations secured the throne to Lohur Chak, Since Sayyid Mubarak willingly offered to abdicate, after a way of six months and two days according to Khwaja Azam, though Haider Malik Chadura and Khalil Marjanpuri set down the period as two months and fifteen days only.

Yusuf was balked of the prize of Kingship for which he had been invited. The death of the Baihaqi took place in 1591 A.C., five years after the advent of Mughal Rule in Kashmir.


Sufi,G.M.D (1996). Kashmir Under The Mughals. Kashir: Being A History Of Kashmir(p. 228) Delhi:Capital Publishing House.