Lohur Shah Chak [987 A.H. or 1579 A.C. to 988 A.H. or 1580 A.C.]


Badi-ud-Din or Gauhar Shah, better known as Lohur Chak, was Yusuf Sha’s cousin, being the son of Shankar Chak. Abdal Bat received the coveted office of prime minister under the Padshah.

Yusuf Shah Chak, on losing the crown which seemed to be within reach, repaired to Akbar’s court at Fathpur-Sikri, on January 2, 1580 a.c., to solicit help to regain his kingdom. That Emperor, it is needless to say, was only awaiting an opportunity like this to turn it to his own advantage. Akbar, therefore, willingly sent Raja Man Singh and Mirza yusuf with an army with the exiled king, and they were joined by Muhammad Bat, yusuf Shah’s vazir, at Lahore with an army one thousand strong. Yusuf Shah, on Muhammad Bat’s advice, suspected that Akbar would unsurp the kingdom himself, and was now smitten with remorse for unnecessarily seeking foreign help. He left Raja Man Singh and Mirza Yusuf behind, on the pretext that it would be better for him to march alone with a view to sound his countrymen.

Through the efforts of Muhammad Bat, Yusuf was able to rally four thousand men around him before reaching Kashmir. He crossed the river Jhelum, near the village Dalna, seven miles from Baramulla, to avoid Yusuf Dar’s three thousand soldiers deputed by Abdal Bat. Yusuf Shah entered Srinagar triumphantly. Abdal Bat was killed. Lohur Chak souht safety in abdication by flight and subsequent death. Lohur had reigned for about thirteen months during which Malik Haider, practically an eye witness, remarks that plenty ruled the land and that a Kharwar of shali or unhusked rice was available for a falas (pice), and the people enjoyed prosperity.


Sufi,G.M.D (1996). Kashmir Under The Mughals. Kashir: Being A History Of Kashmir(pp.228-229) Delhi:Capital Publishing House.