Husain Shah Chak founded a great college and sought the company of the pious and the learned. He gave Zainapor as a jagir for the college which was known as Madrasa-i-Husain Shah in the Husain Angan locality, now known as Khanqah Naqshbandi, Khwaja Bazar Mahalla, Srinagar. This college primarily opened in the northern corner of the Kuh-i-Maran near the Khanqah-i-Kubravi, at the instance of the Padshah’s spiritual pir Baba Isma’il, of the preceding paragraph. A library was also built and a free hostel was attached to the college. The villages of Wandhama, Haran, Darind, Birhama and the gardens of Daulatabad, Rainawari and Bagh-i-Anguri, the modern Malkha, were set up apart for the maintenance of the hostel and the library. The College was run by Shaikh Fathullah Haqqani assisted by Akhund Mulla Darvish. Shaikh Hamza Makhdum, a well-known saint of Kashmir, was a student of this college. Husain Shah also gave a jagir for extending the Dar-ush-Shifa, the madrasa founded by Sultan Hasan Shah.
Sufi,G.M.D (1996). Kashmir Under The Mughals. Kashir: Being A History Of Kashmir(p. 392) Delhi:Capital Publishing House.