

Jamat-ul-Vida is a special and holy festival falls every year a day before the end of Ramzan month. At this day Muslim people perform special prayer (in addition to their regular Friday prayers) by reciting their Holy Quran for whole day.

According to the Islamic cultures and traditions every Friday of the week becomes a special day and source of blessings and salvation. Jamat-ul-Vida is also known as the Jummat-al-Wida which indicates good wishes of holy Quran. People celebrate this festival by reciting their holy book Quran, special prayers and lots of social works in order to get blessings. At this day people get involved in the charity work such as feeding to poor and helpless people to get reward from God.

More than thousands of Muslim people get together to attend their special Jamat-ul-Vida festival, which is the last prayer of the Ramzan month. It is celebrated in the nearby mosques of the city by performing prayer for the peace, success and harmony in the world.

Jamat-ul-Vida 2016 would be celebrated worldwide by the people of Islam religion on 1st of July, at Friday.

Jamat-Ul-Vida History

According to the Islam culture and tradition, Prophet Mohammad had stated something unique about the special Friday. He said that Friday is the most special and blessed day than other days so, if anyone spend this day by worshipping and reciting the holy Quran would always be protected throughout the entire week from the Allah. Muslim people believe that at this day an angel of God enters to the Mosque and listens the Imam (Friday Prayers). People get rewarded if they go to the Mosque for prayer in the early morning. Prophet Mohammad had also stated that Allah would forgive all the sins if one performs the Friday Namaaz regularly.

Jamat-Ul-Vida Celebration

Jamat-ul-Vida is the most special and religious festival for the Muslim people who faithfully walk at this day towards their Central Mosque to offer prayer and honor to their Almighty Allah. They celebrate this festival by being present in the mosque from the early morning and feel that they are showered by lots of blessings, mercy and forgiveness by the Angels.

Muslims people believe that their prayer at this day would surely be accepted by the God without any doubt. Tents are organized all around the mosques for the relief of the big crowd. Nearby mosques are flooded with the religious devotees looking for the divine blessings.

Significance and Ritual of Jamat-Ul-Vida Festival

Jamat-ul-Vida is the holy day before the last day of Ramzan and most important day for the Muslims. There is a tradition of performing prayer in the early morning and recite holy Quran for whole day as well as involve in the activities of helping poor and helpless people by offering food or other required things.

Special arrangements are done in advance at this day inside the mosques for the easiness of the devotees and avoid facing problems. They are encouraged by the priest to follow holy Koran in their whole life to get salvation and forgiveness. They prepare special feasts and enjoy with the family members, children, neighbors and friends.



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