

Are you a travel buff? Love mountains? Blue green river waters?And wide expanses of wild beauty? Then Gurez is the place for you. About 126 kms from Srinagar,  it takes roughly 6 hours from here. Take a taxi from the city. The ride is a joy. Enjoy what lies on the way.

Gurez has history hidden in its lap and falls along the famous Silk Route that once connected Kashmir to Kashgar. You may also call it ‘pre-historic’. It lacks mobile connectivity even today. So you can have time off your cell phone and its continuous buzz.

From Bandipora the journey gets rough with tricky curves and deep gorges. Take care.

At 11,672 ft the Razdhan Pass on the way will give you the first feel of the Alpine beauty of the place. And when you get there refresh yourself. Take a walk around. What greets you is pure and untouched natural beauty. Gurez is an ideal  place for solo travellers.

Gurez is full of surprises. The Habba Khatoon peak wears different shades as the rising sun crosses it. That’s a spectacle to watch. The Kishenganga river also known as Neelum follows you with its blue green waters wherever you go. People are simple with a rich history. They speak Shina language and are from the Dardshina tribe. Popularly known as the ‘Dards’ their tribe finds mention in Kalhana’s Rajtarangini. Roman and Greek writers also have recorded their history. Their culture is unique. Go and experience it.

WHERE TO STAY: Dawar, the main town in Gurez will serve as your base camp. You will find government run bungalows and huts to stay at.

WHERE TO GO: Kanzalwan, 15 kms from Dawar, is an important archaeological site. Go and dig out some history. Tilel is 20 kms from Dawar. If you are a trekker or an adventure lover, it is a real delight.

HOW TO SPEND YOUR TIME:  Rafting in Kishenganga. Treks. Rock climbing. And go and try some angling. KishengangaakaNeelum is full of trout fish.

BEST TIME TO VISIT : June – September.

Gurez is a great adventure. Spread your visit over a week. You would love it. Plan a visit this summer. And if you are a loner this is the place for you. Enjoy. You would always love to come back.


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