Connected with formal literature, though not a part of it, are the subjects of fork-tales and proverbs. Kashmir is a land of proverbs and the common speech is profuse with them. Some of the proverbs have been collected and arranged by Rev J Hinton Knowles, CMS and are full of information regarding the customs and character of the people.
A few of the proverbs are given below:-
- The Bachelor wishes to get married, the married man regrets having married.
- A blind man’s wife is in God’s keeping.
- The dew is like a flood to the ant.
- A man loves his own faults.
- I do not want honey, nor do I want the Sting.
- Chickens do not die from their hen’s kick.
- Childhood is without Care.
- Giving advice to a stupid man is like giving salt to a squirrel.
- The fish dies from thirst in the river.
- Sweet to the taste but bitter to pay for.
Sufi,G.M.D (1996). Kashmir Under The Mughals. Kashir: Being A History Of Kashmir(pp.439) Delhi:Capital Publishing House.