Patthar Masjid in Srinagar


Patthar Masjid (literally Stone Mosque) is very different to other monumental Srinagar mosques in both design and materials. It is a much more conventional Mughal-style mosque from the 17th c. It is basically one long (3-bayed) arcade to the west of an enclosed courtyard.

Story Behind Desecration Of Patthar Masjid:

Patthar Masjid was built by empress Nur Jahan in 1623. Unlike most other places of worship in  Kahmir Valley, this  mosque was built with grey limestone, since stone in local language is known as pathar and mosque is known as masjid, the edifice so built began to known as Patthar Masjid.

It is to be remembered that mosques in Kashmir were generally built with wood while most Mughal edifices were built with marble. Perhaps the Queen choose limestone because she realized that in absence of transport system bringing marble stones from the plains would be an impossible task. Contrarily grey limestone was found locally; in addition such stones could be carved and polished easily. Therefore, she decided to build the mosque with limestone.

Now, it is said that Nur Jahan was once asked about the building cost of such a magnificent structure. The Empress didn’t answer directly. Instead She pointed to her Shoes, which was embossed with expensive jewels and said, “As much as that”. When this remark reached the religious leaders they found the reference to be sacrilegious and declared the Masjid to be unfit for the religious activities.

However, another version says that the mosque was desecrated because of its architectural style .


Looking out from the mosque to the courtyard

Architecture Of Patthar Masjid:

This mosque has been built with grey limestone instead of marble. Patthar Masjid consists of long arcade, located to the west of the enclosed courtyard. The facade of the mosque consists of nine arches, each of which is further enclosed in shallow cusped arches. These shallow arches in their turn are enclosed in rectangular frames. In addition, all these arches have been built horizontally.


Among these arches, the one in the center has large portico. The Plinth of the mosque is also very striking; one should stop to admire the lotus leaf coping on it. The space between the projecting cornice and the eaves are also decorated with the series of lotus leaves. These leaves are mostly carved in relief, but some of them have been pierced for ventilation purpose. The half attached “bedpost” columns at the jambs of the entrance are also very remarkable.

Unlike typical Mughal architecture, the mosque has a sloping roof,which is approachable through a flight of steps. The roof is supported by eighteen massive columns from inside. All these columns are square in shape and have projections on two sides. The striking part is that the lower end of these columns is made up of stone while the upper part is made up of bricks and is covered with lime plaster. There are twenty seven domes on the roof. Although some of these domes are Wagon vaulted, most of them are ribbed inside.


Location of Patthar Masjid:

Patthar Masjid is located to opposite to the Shah Hamdan Mosque in Zaina Kadal region of old Srinagar. It is around 6 km from Srinagar city center.
