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Tag: articles from dailies

Delhi researchers prove health benefits of cinnamon

Indians have a greater propensity to develop multiple metabolic problems leading to diabetes at an early age, and the new research has proved that cinnamon lowers the risk

From 2018, CBSE boards to begin a month early

•From 2018, Class X and XII Board exams will take place in February instead of March. •The process will no more drag over 45 days but will be completed within a month. •Each year around 50,000 teachers are engaged in the evaluation process across 2,000 centres.

Can smartphones be used wisely to benefit your brain? Absolutely! Donna...

We often hear how harmful the influence of gadgets can be—especially when they are inseparable from us 24/7. Some of us constantly argue with parents and teachers to show the benefits of smartphones; others are working to decrease their use. Even scientists have found pieces of evidence for both the negative and positive effects of smartphones.

In the digital age…

With technology disrupting education, teachers need to update their skills.

Studying astrophysics: Written in the stars

Nobel laureate Brian Schmidt talks about astrophysics and related opportunities at Australian National University.

How to cope with exam stress

It’s the time of the year we all dread. For some of us, this will be our first attempt at university exams, for others our last. But no matter where we are in our academic journey, we are all stressed out. Exam anxiety is, unfortunately, a normal part of university life and it hits some of us harder than others.

From 2018, only NCERT to publish school textbooks

From next year onwards, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) will be the only agency to publish school textbooks while the CBSE's role will be restricted to its original mandate of holding examinations and affiliation.

Clearing NEET must for AYUSH aspirants

The decision in this regard was taken to standardise the admission procedure and attract meritorious students into the AYUSH (ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha and homoeopathy) stream.

New system can recreate faces from brain signals

A new artificial intelligence machine that can identify criminals from a victim’s thoughts may be closer to reality, say scientists who have successfully recreated images of a human face by analysing brain activity of monkeys.

Brevity is key for a successful Civil Services interview

The personality test is the final leap to qualify for the prestigious civil services. However, not all make it. For many of those cast out at the interview stage, it is not the lack of preparation for the personality test which is their undoing, but the lack of the knowledge of ‘how to answer’.