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Tag: articles from dailies

DPS Srinagar to run entirely on solar power

“The school has taken a big leap towards becoming eco-friendly system and setting an example for its students as well as other institutions by successfully establishing a grid-connected solar power plant .This project was commissioned with the help of JAKEDA (Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency),” a spokesman of the school said.

Replacing the chalk and the blackboard

The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has been teaching students using the smart classroom concept .

Stress may cause gastrointestinal issues in autistic kids

Stress may cause kids with autism to develop gastrointestinal issues, according to a new study that may pave the way for therapies to treat the condition.

Seeing fear in others can alter brain wiring

Negative emotional experience leaves a trace in the brain, which makes us more vulnerable.

National School Games Championship

A girl student of Delhi Public School (DPS- Srinagar) student has won bronze medal in National games championship in New Delhi.

Break down the walls

Whether we are playing the role of teacher, parent or student, the education system affects all of us. What is our blueprint to building a healthy system? What are our hopes and concerns? We rarely have time, opportunity or inclination to reflect on such matters.

Did you know human beings have a brand new organ? (It...

Scientists have discovered a new organ in the human digestive system. The mesentery, which connects the intestine to the abdomen, had for hundreds of years been considered a fragmented structure made up of multiple separate parts.

Yoga is a potent weapon to counter violence in Caribbean schools

Just 5 days remaining for the International Yoga day and the world seems to be ready to celebrate it at an even bigger scale than its debut last year. The latest news is trickling from the Caribbean where Rolston Nelson, the acting Chief Justice of the Caribbean Court of Justice, has urged the Trinidad Ministry of Education to introduce yoga in the school curriculum saying Yoga can be the antidote to violence.

High school students design a super economical shelter for the homeless...

The world is today grappling with real estate problems on multiple fronts. Firstly, it is the rich and super rich who are cornering huge masses of real estate. Secondly, governments across the world are struggling to find the answer to low cost economical housing problems faced by millions of its underprivileged population.

The election commission wants electoral education to be included in school...

They say many an elections in India are lost not due to the wrong person garnering votes but due to a large percentage of people choosing to stay at home and take a holiday rather than exercising their franchise to vote. In order to boost voter turnout during elections, the Election Commission of India (ECI) feels that the awareness and the feeling of responsibility needs to be inculcated right from childhood and that’s why the ECI has chalked out plans to teach electoral practices to school and college students.