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Tag: News alerts

Why fading craze for engineering is good

Tamil Nadu accounted for the least number of registrations among the southern states in JEE (advanced). The state has also been registering a decline in enrolments in engineeringcolleges.

Einstein 2.0: gravitational waves detected for a second time

The researchers said they detected gravitational waves that washed over Earth after two distant black holes sp...

Heart Rhythm second killer disease after Cancer: Dr Sharma

While announcing opening of a Heart Rhythm and Pacemaker Clinic at Star Hospital, Rawalpora Colony here, Fortis Hospital Mohali, Punjab, Wednesday said that heart rhythm has become second killer disease after Cancer.

First complex organic molecule discovered in space

Scientists using highly sensitive radio telescopes have discovered the first complex organic chiral molecule in interstellar space

Children with ADHD are not misbehaving’

Researchers devise a game-based experiment to understand a core aspect of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

‘Do not succumb to pressure from peers and parents’

Experts at this year’s The Hindu EducationPlus Career Counselling here on Sunday asked students to take up a career of their choice without succumbing to peer...

Creativity in cheating as Thai schools victims of high-tech cheating

Technology is a double edged sword, with newer and better ways that harness technology for the good of mankind comes the undesirable ways of using the same technology. Case in point is smartwatches and foreGlasses with embedded cameras. While these devices are used today to monitor a variety of things including health parameters, time and a handsfree smartphone experience, little did anyone imagine the ill-use of these gadgets.

When Chess became a valuable educational tool for underprivileged kids.

What do you do when you are a 17-year-old rated chess player who has been playing for 9 years at various national and international...

Is your child dealing with a bad exam stress?

Counsellors and psychologists have thrown light on the fact that calls to suicide helplines during the exam and result season have increased by 30-40 per cent in the past year.

All the world’s a classroom

Tired of learning from the books? Want to experience first-hand different cultures and lifestyles? Educational tours as a travel package can expand your learning horizons.