Tag: News alerts
Architects of the future
The future depends on what you do today,’ said Mahatma Gandhi. This wise observation effectively summarizes the importance of laying the right foundation, in the right way and at the right time, for the world we want to see tomorrow.
First blood test for autism developed
The test will allow to categorise whether an individual is on the autism spectrum.
Arunachal teen develops goggles to help the blind
A high school student in Arunachal Pradesh has invented a unique pair of goggles that uses ultrasound and infrared sensors to help the visually impaired detect obstacles on their path. On Friday, the State government pledged financial support for him to develop the gadget.
Simple lifestyle modifications can help reduce risk of dementia
Brain-healthy lifestyle measures from young adulthood can delay significantly the onset of age-induced Alzheimer’s and related dementias later in life
Stress-free exams: 8 ways to calm your nerves and deal with...
Here are some tips to improve your mental well-being for a stress-free and happy examination time.
Home in on more kids with learning disabilities: Expert
Alarmed by the minuscule number of students with learning disabilities appearing for the class X and XII in CBSE across the country , a city-based psychiatrist has petitioned to the Union ministry of Human Resource Development demanding that the government address the "child rights emergency".
Don’t let exam pressure turn your child’s life into a nightmare
I have one recurring nightmare: I am sitting in a classroom, terrified out of my wits, and in front of me there is a mathematics exam paper and a blank answer sheet. I have no idea where to start — I know none of these questions (since all I have done is mugged things up) and I am sure that I have failed this exam. I wake up from this nightmare seeing red pen marks flashing through my head and then I realise that I am an adult, in 2017 and that I have no more math exams to give ever again.
6 Techniques for Building Reading Skills—in Any Subject
Students need good reading skills not just in English but in all classes. Here are some ways you can help them develop those skills.
Make education free for all
The basic philosophy of education seems to have eroded throughout our existence on the planet Earth, and that is reflected in our surroundings.
‘Introduce Kashmiri as compulsory subject in 9th, 10th classes’
An important resolution was passed at the session which demanded that the government should immediately make Kashmiri language compulsory in the 9th and 10th standard.