Architects of the future


‘The future depends on what you do today,’ said Mahatma Gandhi. This wise observation effectively summarizes the importance of laying the right foundation, in the right way and at the right time, for the world we want to see tomorrow.

We often remark that our children and our youth are the citizens of the future. And indeed, they are! It is important for them to know the power they have to design and build the world we will have in a few years. There’s an indelible connection between what they make of themselves and the kind of future they will build as individuals and as an entire generation for the new world. The clincher is: the onus for how effectively they lay those foundations rests on us – those of us in a position to enable, influence, guide and mentor them.

Children and young people are constantly exposed to learning environments not only in school, but even at home and at play. What are some of the ways we, as teachers, parents and role models, can imbibe qualities which will set the stage for them?

1.Reading is always in: Today’s world is ruled by technology – and children are the fastest learners. However, excessive time spent with technological gadgets is often detrimental to other activities. Inspiring children to read (either physical books or e-versions) is essential. Books are a unique way to gain knowledge, free the imagination, strengthen focus, build intelligence and find the best company, to name just a few. The list of benefits which reading affords is exhaustive, and more so in the present milieu where children are hooked to games on gadgets, shows on television and myriad apps on mobile phones. Do not tire of reiterating the importance of the habit of reading. Go ahead and suggest books good for every age group.

2.Time outside is good for the ‘inside’: Fun play and activity outdoors does wonders to clear the mind, boost health and promote overall growth. It is scientifically proven that physically active children and teens may have fewer symptoms of depression than their peers. With the advent of various indoor entertainment options, children today tend to choose them over going outdoors for a game, a walk or even time with friends and family. Encourage (and if needed, push) children to refresh their mind and body by spending time outdoors. Allocate time at school and subsequently at home to ensure your children get their share of fresh air and physical activity. A healthy body definitely bodes a healthy mind.

3.You become the company you keep: Mentor children in your purview on the importance of finding the best set of friends and also about how to be one. The circle of friends we build has a huge impact on us, right from our childhood. Making healthy connections and social networks is one of the pillars for confidence and belief in oneself, which is essential in the growing years. One’s friends circle becomes the benchmark against which children consciously or unconsciously measure themselves. And when this peer group is the right one, children recognize their own strengths and thrive. Being available for verbal and nonverbal conversations sets the stage for any wisdom you may want to share. A straightforward and honest manner always works best with children. Children soon recognize whose company makes them better individuals and also helps them grow.

4.Keeping an ‘open door’approach: More often than not, children view adults as threats or as disciplinarians and so tend to shy away from them. They would rather sort out their problems by themselves or take it to their peers, which may not be really helpful in resolution. Often, just having a trusted confidante who can gently guide and support without impinging on their space makes a big difference in the decisions children and young people make. As teachers, parents, instructors or support groups, we are in that unique position.

5.Decide what you stand for: The world view we adopt when growing up is more often than not, the one we will carry through our lives. Experiences and circumstances may tweak it around a little bit but honestly we know that by and large, those changes are very minimal. Providing an environment in which children get to see our values and beliefs helps them understand the world we live in better. It gives them a chance to shape their minds and align themselves to what will become their core belief system. Pick up any opportunities you may have to demonstrate what you stand for. Encourage them to stay aware and open.

6.Keep an eye open for genius: Being intuitive enough to recognize extraordinary talent, gifts and brilliance is a boon for the children in your field of influence, whether at school or at home. If you see a spark, it only takes a little confidence and backing for it to fan out into a flame. And be assured, that the child or that bunch of children will not fail you. Once you are in the zone, it will be easier to spot other sparks and before you know it, there’s a fire of growth and change. Make sure to encourage talent – whatever it may be. Let children know that no talent is too small or too insignificant to be developed and nurtured.

7.Make room for mistakes: Often children suppress themselves, their thoughts or their actions because they are afraid of failure. Our environment by and large puts a curb on learning through making mistakes, with an unrealistic pressure on perfection. You can break that misconception by being vocal about and demonstrating that it is okay to be wrong if it means it will encourage the child to correct that mistake. Creating an atmosphere of trust and encouragement takes time, but it is well worth the effort as you will see your children grow, mature and learn lessons which will take them through life. The kind of learning which comes from a process of trial and error is enduring!

8.Dreams are great for direction: Children are never too young to be involved in an activity which requires imagination and resourcefulness. Steer their minds towards planning and envisaging what they see for themselves, who they want to be, how they want to impact their immediate environment and consequently the world. Encourage such conversations frequently, giving them an opportunity to think and expand the horizons of their minds. Having something definite and visible to work towards encourages children to push themselves and keep bettering their own efforts and achievements. Dream with a child and he or she will never forget that!

Children demonstrate an amazing ability to adapt very quickly to stimuli in the environment. They flourish in environment which supports them as they grow and learn and will keep drawing from it. While they are naturally resilient and hardy, the impact of negative influences is lasting. Much of what our children imbibe comes from us and honestly, it is clear that the architects of the future are really in our circle of influence today.


January 14, 2017.Architects of the future.The Progressive Teacher.retrieved from