7 Lakes That Are Drying Up


The amount of rain, snow, or other precipitation falling on a given spot on Earth’s surface during the year depends a lot on where that spot is. Is it in a desert (which receives little rain)? Is it in a rain forest (which receives vast amounts of rain)? Or is it located somewhere between these two extremes? Often precipitation runs off along the surface back to the ocean, but it can be held for a time in lakes. Lakes in wetter regions are relatively permanent features, but those in drier regions may be less stable and thus more sensitive to changes in precipitation from season to season and water withdrawals from human activities. The list below discusses some of Earth’s lakes that belong to the second category.

Lake Poopo

This lake in west-central Bolivia occupies a shallow depression in the Altiplano, or high plateau, at 12,090 feet (3,686 meters) above sea level. Historically the country’s second largest lake, it covered 977 square miles (2,530 square km) at low stage and was about 56 miles (90 km) long and 20 miles (32 km) wide though only 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 meters) deep. By December 2015, however, the lake had completely dried up as a result of the combined effects of climate change-exacerbated drought and sediment buildup caused by the local mining industry.

Since the 1990s, as the process of global warming brought increased temperatures to the region, the evaporation rate for the lake tripled. Lacking a sufficient interval of normal rainfall to replenish its waters, the lake became desiccated, resulting in catastrophic consequences for the region’s flora and fauna as well as for the people who had made a living fishing in the lake. Settlement on Lake Poopó’s shores—previously made marshy by filtration of water into the lake bed—had long been sparse, but the disappearance of the lake forced many people to relocate.

Lake Eyre

Also called Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre, this great salt lake in central South Australia has a total area of 4,281 square miles (11,088 square km). It lies in the southwestern corner of the Great Artesian Basin, a closed inland basin about 440,150 square miles (1,140,000 square km) in area that is drained only by intermittent streams. Normally dry but susceptible to occasional flooding, the lake constitutes the lowest point on the Australian continent. In fact the lake’s lowest point lies about 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level and consists of two sections, Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South. The sections, which together span an area 89.5 miles (144 km) long and 47.8 miles (77 km) wide, are joined by the narrow Goyder Channel.

Water reaching the lake evaporates very rapidly, and the surface of the lake bed has a thin crust of salt deposited by water that has evaporated. Lake Eyre’s typical state is dry. It fills completely only an average of twice in a century, but partial, minor fillings happen much more often. After being completely filled (as in 1950, 1974, and 1984), the lake takes about two years to dry up again. Lake Eyre is in a region of very low and intermittent rainfall amounting to less than 5 inches (125 mm) annually. The lake is fed by a vast internal continental drainage basin, but evaporation rates in the region are so high that most of the rivers in the basin dry up before reaching the lake. Thus, the waters of the Diamantina and other rivers can feed the lake only when they are in flood after heavy rains.

Aral Sea

Once the world’s fourth largest body of inland water, this lake is an inland sea that is also called the Orol Sea, Aral Tengizi, or Orol Dengizi. The lake’s remnants nestle in the climatically inhospitable heart of Central Asia, to the east of the Caspian Sea. The Aral Sea and its demise are of great interest and increasing concern to scientists because of the remarkable shrinkage of its area and volume that began in the second half of the 20th century—when the region was part of the Soviet Union—and continued into the 21st century. That change resulted primarily from the diversion (for purposes of irrigation) of the riverine waters of the Syr Darya (ancient Jaxartes River) in the north and the Amu Darya (ancient Oxus River) in the south, which discharged into the Aral Sea and were its main sources of inflowing water. The rapid shrinkage of the Aral Sea led to numerous environmental problems in the region. By the late 1980s the lake had lost more than half the volume of its pre-1960 water. Because of that, the salt and mineral content of the lake rose drastically, which made the water unfit for drinking and killed off the once-abundant fish populations—sturgeon, carp, barbel, roach, and others. The fishing industry along the Aral Sea was thus virtually destroyed.

Until the 1960s the most significant factors affecting the water balance of the Aral Sea were the rates of river inflow and water loss through evaporation, which formerly took out each year about the same amount of water that the rivers brought in. In 1960 the surface of the Aral Sea lay 175 feet (53 meters) above sea level and covered an area of some 26,300 square miles (68,000 square km). The Aral Sea’s greatest extent from north to south was almost 270 miles (435 km), while from east to west it was just over 180 miles (290 km). Although the average depth was a relatively shallow 53 feet (16 meters) or so, it descended to a maximum of 226 feet (69 meters) off the western shore.

Lake Mead

One of the largest man-made lakes in the world, Lake Mead is the reservoir of Hoover Dam, on the Arizona-Nevada border 25 miles (40 km) east of Las Vegas. Formed by the damming of the Colorado River, Lake Mead extends 115 miles (185 km) upstream, is 1 to 10 miles (1.6 to 16 km) wide, and has a capacity of 31,047,000 acre-feet (38,296,200,000 cubic meters) with 550 miles (885 km) of shoreline and a surface area of 229 square miles (593 square km). It was named after Elwood Mead, commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation (1924–36). As a result of a multiyear drought in the American Southwest during the early 21st century, the lake level dropped some 120 feet (37 meters) between 2000 and 2015, satellites revealed.

Lake Chad

Lake Chad is a freshwater lake in the Sahelian zone of west-central Africa at the conjunction of Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Niger. It is located in an interior basin that was once occupied by a much larger ancient sea. Historically, the lake ranked among the largest lakes in Africa, though its surface area varies greatly by season as well as from year to year. When the surface of the lake is approximately 920 feet (280 meters) above sea level, the area is about 6,875 square miles (17,800 square km). In the early 21st century, however, the area was typically about 580 square miles (1,500 square km).

Lake Chad is a variable body of water, and its surface area typically reaches its maximum in late October or early November, before shrinking by more than half by late April or early May. The volume of the lake reflects local precipitation and the discharge of its catchment area, balanced against losses through evaporation, transpiration, and seepage. The lake is fed chiefly by the Chari (Shari)-Logone river system, which accounts for about four-fifths of the inflow. Most of the remaining inflow is contributed by the Ebeji (El-Béid) and Yedseram rivers. At times when the lake has a greater surface area, it can be divided into two pools partially separated by a low ridge extending roughly northeast-southwest across the center of the lake. The ridge was formed during a drought at the beginning of the 20th century, and at times it has completely divided the basins.

Lake Urmia

Iran’s Lake Urmia, or Daryācheh-ye Orūmīyeh, is located in the northwestern corner of the country. It is the largest lake in the Middle East, and it has historically covered an area that varied from 2,000 to 2,300 square miles (5,200 to 6,000 square km). The lake lies in the bottom of the large central depression of the Azerbaijan region in northwestern Iran, at an elevation of 4,183 feet (1,275 meters) above sea level. The basin is surrounded by mountains in the west and north, by plateaus in the south, and by plateaus and volcanic cones in the east. At its fullest volume, in the 1970s, the lake was about 87 miles (140 km) long and 25 to 35 miles (40 to 55 km) wide, with a maximum depth of 53 feet (16 meters). Because Lake Urmia’s waters have no outlet, they are highly saline. The lake is one-fourth as salty as the Dead Sea, with a salt content ranging from 8 to 11 percent in the spring to 26 to 28 percent in the late autumn. The main salts are chlorine, sodium, and sulfates.

Since 1967 it has enjoyed the status of a wetland protected region, and efforts have been made by the Iranian government to increase its wildlife. However, Lake Urmia’s surface area has declined by some 90 percent since the 1970s, to roughly 230 square miles (600 square km), from the damming of the rivers that flow into the lake.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea, which is also called the Salt Sea, is a salt lake located between Israel and Jordan in southwestern Asia. Its eastern shore belongs to Jordan, and the southern half of its western shore belongs to Israel. The northern half of the western shore lies within the Palestinian West Bank and has been under Israeli occupation since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The Jordan River, from which the Dead Sea receives nearly all its water, flows from the north into the lake.

The Dead Sea has the lowest elevation and is the lowest body of water on the surface of Earth. For several decades in the mid-20th century, the standard value given for the surface level of the lake was some 1,300 feet (400 meters) below sea level. Beginning in the 1960s, however, Israel and Jordan began diverting much of the Jordan River’s flow and increased the use of the lake’s water itself for commercial purposes. The result of those activities was a precipitous drop in the Dead Sea’s water level. By the mid-2010s the lake level was more than 100 feet (some 30 meters) below the mid-20th-century figure—i.e., about 1,410 feet (430 meters) below sea level—but the lake continued to drop by about 3 feet (1 meter) annually.

Concern mounted quickly over the continued drop in the Dead Sea’s water level, prompting studies and calls for greater conservation of the Jordan River’s water resources. In addition to proposals for reducing the amount of river water diverted by Israel and Jordan, those two countries discussed proposals for canals that would bring additional water to the Dead Sea. One such project, which received approval from both sides in 2015, would involve constructing a canal northward from the Red Sea. The plan, which would include desalinization and hydroelectric plants along the course of the canal, would deliver large quantities of brine (a by-product of the desalinization process) to the lake. However, the project met with skepticism and opposition from environmentalists and others who questioned the potentially harmful effects of mixing water from the two sources.

Source: http://www.britannica.com/list/7-lakes-that-are-drying-up