English is the universal language. With mere English knowledge, many reached great heights. Aren’t you interested in knowing some amazing facts of this language?
- Most commonly used alphabet is ‘E’
- Most commonly used Vowel is ‘E’
- Most commonly used consonant is ‘R’
- How many words you can tell ending with ‘GRY’? Only TWO! – ANGRY and HUNGRY
- Name the longest word that doesn’t contain the repetition of any alphabet! – UNCOPYRIGHTABLE
- 1 /5th world population speak English
- More than 80 percent of the data stored in the computer across the globe is stored in English
- The ‘dot’ we use over the alphabet ‘i’ and ‘j’ is referred as SUPERSCRIPT DOT.
- ‘S’ is the most commonly used alphabet
- The oldest words in English – I and We
- For every 90 minutes, a new word is created in English
- No more than 1000 words are used by world population, which accounts for more than 80 percent of content written in English
- No number from 0 (zero) to 999 contains the alphabet A.
The two common and most spoken words in English are I and YOU.