Impact of meditation on the teaching – learning process


The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy. The devotee
who makes the supreme effort is the one who finds God, not the one who keeps seeking excuses saying, ‘Let me find a quiet place, then I’ll meditate’. Procrastinators will never reach God. But if you tell yourself, ‘Right now, I will go deep in meditation’, you can be
there in an instant.
–Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

I write this article as I wish to make the readers aware of the need for meditation in the teaching-learning process. To this world, so obsessed and preoccupied by various materialistic aspects, I would like to put a question — Is meditation really beneficial? For a beginner it always seems confusing. So he /she decides it is something meant for ascetics and not for him/her. But if followed, we can find that it is very simple and can intensely affect our lives. It has a profound effect on our routine life and chores. Start your meditation and make it a routine – at least for 2 minutes a day. In the beginning, we can’t realise its mystical effects. Even if it is for 2 minutes at the start, regular meditation can change you. Herewith, I mention the benefits of meditation.

  • Helps to keep you stress free
  • Reduces ageing
  • Helps you to appreciate life more
  • Makes you feel more connected with God
  • Makes you and those around you happier
  • Improves functioning of the brain
  • Helps you to have a good sleep
  • Improves metabolism and helps lose weight
  • Increases immunity and helps fight diseases
  • Increases your attention span

The benefits mentioned above are for all the people who do regular meditation. But students who spend just 15 minutes a day on this will get the following benefits which can help them generally in their studies and particularly in their examination.

  • Greater confidence
  • More focus and clarity
  • Better health
  • More mental strength and energy
  • Greater dynamism

Thus, there is a need to include meditation in our school programme, at least one period a week. But for that, we teachers ourselves should develop into credible and coherent role models for the students. Children should be a part of a holistic system where their minds, bodies and souls are nourished.

To meditate for a short time with concentration is much better than to meditate for long hours with the mind running wild. In the beginning, don’t force yourself to meditate for long. Have short meditation sessions with intense concentration. Don’t feel bad if you become so restless that you are unable to meditate deeply. Calmness will come in due course of time if you practice regularly. The most important thing to remember before you start meditating is not to concentrate on its results.

Pure minds and free souls can be achieved only through spiritual awakening. . .

Meditation is not a mere way of fulfilling your transient desires but is the real thirst of your soul to get the essence of the eternal and divine liberation from this ephemeral body.