s we all know that earth is the only known planet in this universe where we get all the necessary requisites of life. But the healthy survival is possible for years and years only when we maintain the original condition of the earth. Our healthy survival is safe and secure in the future when we care and love our earth. We need to do nothing more in order to maintain the greenery of earth. We just need to plant more trees, stop cutting trees, and reduce the pollution level. As we call our earth our mother, who only give us and nothing take back, we should understand our responsibility towards our mother and do all possible efforts to make it clean and natural.
Because of the advancement in the life style, industrialization and deforestation; the condition of earth is deteriorating day by day very fast. It is being full of pollution, global warming, and green house gases. There is an urgent need to save our earth because it is the only planet where we can live. We should take positive steps very seriously to save the earth. The most possible and easy way to do it is creating awareness among peoples. Earth day is a worldwide event which is being celebrated every year since 1970 on 22nd of April to increase people awareness about earth.
We have provided below some interesting, meaningful, effective and inspirational slogans on save earth which you can use to encourage people during any related occasions, event celebrations, etc to make our planet a beautiful planet. Following save earth slogans will help you to catch others attention and easily encourage them.
Save Earth Slogan
Save Earth, Save Life!
No Earth, No Life!
No Earth, No Birth!
If you want a happy life, Save earth.
If you want the existence of life, Save earth.
Earth is the only known planet to have life, save earth.
Without earth no one will take birth.
If you destroy the earth, you destroy the chance of life.
Save earth to continue life here.
Save earth to save many lives.
Save earth and nourish life.
Save earth, save nature.
Save earth save natural resource.
Save earth to save natural resources.
Save earth, save a ray of life.
Save earth, save a hope of life.
There is no place to live other than earth. Save earth!
God has blessed us with green earth, Just save it.
Our planet has no alternate, Please save it.
Save earth to get saved your lives back.
Think about future generations and save earth.
The little effort of everyone may change into big one; save earth.
Don’t be late and take steps today to save earth.
Saving of earth is the first and foremost responsibility of everyone, just do it!
Stop polluting earth and making it a heap of garbage!
Lets plant more trees and make our earth green and clean.
Stop all the bad activities making our earth polluted.
Love and care the earth to keep it away from pollution.
Add a lesson on ‘safety of earth’ to education.
Save earth and conserve future.
Follow the green strategy to save earth!
Bring green revolution to save earth.
Unity is strength; use it to save earth.
Green earth, clean earth should be our dream first!
Make earth green to keep it clean.
Don’t be mean, keep it green.
Keep your planet safe to get healthy future.
Green and clean earth will bless you with longer life.
Green and clean earth means better tomorrow.
Must celebrate Earth Day to be aware about.
Don’t do and let others do to pollute our planet.
Earth is a blessed green heaven, let it be original.
Serve heartily to conserve earth originally.
Earth is our mother; we have to save our mother.
Stop cutting trees, lets earth be green.
Start using bicycle and recycle wastes to save our planet.
Think green act clean to save our planet.
Save the earth! We have no other known place to live in this universe.
Love the nature and save the earth!
Reduce needs, reuse things and recycle wastes to save our lovely planet.
Keep oceans blue, forests green, rivers environment clean, and earth light.
Save paper, save trees and save earth.
God has blessed us with nature to fulfill our need but not our greed.
Go green to make globe clean.
Feel the nature, it will teach you about how to save earth.
Soil pollution is a devil, will eat the earth in few years. Save earth.
Don’t be sorry for past but do seriously for better future. Save earth.
Recognize the value of earth and start caring it from today.
Source: http://www.indiacelebrating.com/slogans/save-earth/