Uses Of Computers In Education


The science and technology has been changing our life ever since its inception. Especially the greatest invention of human mind that most of the times defeats the human mind itself, i.e. the computer has brought out several jaw dropping changes to our society. Its contribution towards education sector has been truly marvelous. Computers have taken the education systems in the entire world to a different level altogether. It is now used in education sector in various ways and has changed the way it earlier looked to a great degree. Following are the uses of computers in education-

1. Making classrooms effective: The traditional classes have become modern and high-tech with the advent of computers. Students now see multimedia presentations, clips, images, etc. with the help of computers. This gives them a better experience of education as compared to the monotonous blackboard teaching. This way, the power of students to remember or recollect the taught concepts increases as the classroom learning becomes interesting.

2. Providing online education: Computers not only strengthen the traditional education system but also provide a new mode of pursuing educational courses and degrees. This mode is called as online training mode of education. Through this mode a student can pursue a course, degree or training sitting at home with the help of a computer and internet connection. The curriculum of these online courses is similar to the traditional mode of pursuing the same. Online education system offers several benefits to the students which they can’t avail in traditional education system. This is the reason why millions of people are glued to online education as of today and this count will only increase day by day.

3. Helps in research work: Computers help students of schools, colleges and universities in their research works. Gone are the days when students would go to libraries, and other Knowledge processing units to complete their research work. With the help of computers students now pursue their research work with ease and get ample amount of information for the same with easy clicks.

4. Opening a new field of education: Computers not only are useful in education sector but are also the reason for some fields of education. There are several educational courses that exist because of the computers. Some of these courses are IT training, web designing, hardware and networking, etc. Students pursuing these courses have bright future ahead as the computers have actually become the need of today.

5. Boosting education to a global platform: Education today is no more confined to the walls of a classroom. It has rather gone global. Students, with the help of computers, interact with students from all over the world. They discuss on various topics of common interests, brainstorm with international students and seek advice of international teachers. Indeed computers have armed the education field with some great features.