Most teenagers are now facing exam anxiety in one form or the other. Research in psychology reveals that not only students but almost all the career aspirants face such an exam anxiety at one time or the other. Research has further established that one develops fear psychosis especially when one’s life turning exam is at hand.
The good news is that psychological research provides a wonderful idea that learners can turn their exam anxiety into an enhanced learning tool provided one has the will.
The test of exam anxiety is this that it operates in learners when the learner starts feeling excessive sweating, tension, or nausea and one’s heart rate gets higher, it is indicative of one’s physiological anxiety. But when the learners finds it difficult to concentrate on the learning material or one starts going blank even in a test, it is indicative of one’s cognitive anxiety.
However, when the learner develops the feelings of fear, anger, helplessness, unduly laughing or crying, it is indicative of one’s emotional anxiety.
The worst form of exam anxiety starts when students start feeling worried almost all the time, even losing their energy to concentrate on the topics that they are presently studying. It further tells upon their appetite and they don’t feel like taking their meals even when required.
You must have seen how even a pigmy with the help of a lever and fulcrum can remove even big obstacles that can defy even a tough giant! Going through the tips that are now here, anyone facing exam anxiety can start realizing that it was a false fear.
A little tension and stress that we have at this initial stage is actually facilitative. But when fearing the workload at hand we make mountain of a mole hill the same stress and tension takes the shape of worry, fear and depressive mood and mind it remains no more productive. So when the learners start taking it as anxiety, that attitude makes their worry cells get activated. The more they worry about the exam workload, the more debilitating it becomes, turning into negatively power packed exam anxiety.
Check out the following:
Stand tall: Most of us don’t know the seat of memory is not in the mind but in the muscular system! Learn to stand tall. And you will learn to think tall. While you stand tall, you will naturally try to stretch your leg and thigh muscles. The taller you try to stand the more the energy will be spared to motivate your brain and thinking capacity.
‘I’ appreciate ‘you’: Admire yourself for so many things you have achieved. It’ll naturally lead to increased harmony and synchronisation in the brain and nervous system. You’d think better, learn better.
Analyse this: You may see what actually makes you anxious. The trouble of exam anxiety is self-created. And it goes away after you self-analyse.
Get fresh air: Deep breathing is an instant relaxant. It will sharpen memory and fill you with freshness. Your brain and nervous system will also be in harmony.
Pep talk: Replace the “I can’t” thoughts with “I can” rejuvenators, also consciously feeling the same kind of energy acting and reacting in each and every muscle of your body.
Cool it: The earlier one learns to stay calm and cool the better. Make it a habit never to rush for the exam. Always make it a habit to reach a bit early. This will not trouble you to look at your watch time and again. This can refuel you for the crucial three hours.
Sharma.d.(2016).You have it in you, believe it .The Tribune.retrieved on 12th March 2016 from
Best way of making things happen. Very effective way of learning. Keep going dps.
Great story.