Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation


What is CCE?

  • CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation) is an education system newly introduced by Central Board of Secondary Education in India, for students of sixth to tenth grades. The main aim of CCE is to evaluate every aspect of the child during their presence at the school. This is believed to help reduce the pressure on the child during/before examinations as the student will have to sit for multiple tests throughout the year, of which no test or the syllabus covered will be repeated at the end of the year, whatsoever. The CCE method is claimed to bring enormous changes from the traditional chalk and talk method of teaching, provided it is implemented accurately.
  • It is a developmental process of student which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These objectives are continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning and behavioural outcomes on the other.

How would CCE help in reducing the stress of student?

  • CCE helps in reducing stress by:
  • Identifying the progress of students and identifying their competencies and areas they might need to work upon, by testing their skills at regular time intervals.
  • Employing a variety of remedial measures of teaching based on learning needs and potential of different students.
  • Encourages learning through employment of a variety of teaching aids and techniques
  • By recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students, who do not excel in academics but perform well in other co-curricular areas.
  • Involves learners actively in the learning process.
  • Abstaining from using negative comments on the learner’s performance.

Is it OK for a student to devote time to activities like dance and drama rather than academics?

  • CCE aims to develop an all round developed student. This includes development of cognitive, academic and psychometric aspects of a student’s personality.

What are the objectives of CCE?

  • To help develop skills (cognitive, psychometer and affective)
  • To lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasise memorization
  • To make evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process
  • To use evaluation for improvement of students achievements
  • To guide teaching-learning strategy on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by remedial instructions
  • To make the process of teaching and learning a learner-centered activity

How would CCE help in improvement of student’s performance?

  • CCE helps in improving student’s performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance.

How many examinations shall we have in class IX and what will be the total marks for every examination?

  • In a term having a duration of six months, there will be two Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment. Every Formative Assessment will have a weightage of 10% whereas Summative Assessment I and Summative Assessment II will have a weight age of 20% card 40% respectively. During the one term, you will be assessed on the basis of unit tests, project work, assignments and practical work (Formative assessment). At the end of each term, you will be assessed on the basis of written test. Overall grades will be given based on your performance in the entire term.

What is Formative evaluation?

  • Evaluation taken at varying interval throughout a course to provide information and feedback that will help improve the quality of student learning and quality of the course itself.
  • The goal of formative evaluation is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning.

What is summative evaluation?

  • Evaluation taken by student at the end of the semester to demonstrate the ‘sum’ of what they have and have not learned.
  • The goal of summative evaluation is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

Why mention ailments a student is suffering from, in his report card?

  • Healthy body is essential for the healthy growth of mind. Hence the schools are expected to get their students examined by qualified doctors twice in a session (July and January) so as to bring to notice any disease that a student may be suffering so that proper medication may be started for the child.

Should a student take the board exams?

  • While the board exams for class 10 have become optional, we encourage the students to take the board exams.
  • Board exams can serve as an experience where you will learn to deal with pressure and tough situations and find solutions to them.
  • You will learn how to manage time, multitask and give your best under pressure situations and will make you tough.
  • On a national level, you will be able to judge your performance better, than comparing yourself with only 40 students of your class.

How will CCE help a student select subjects in class 11?

  • Comprehensive and continuous evaluation will assess the skills of a student all year round. The student can participate in a range of activities from drama to debates as per his liking. He can concentrate on subjects he likes. Also, The CBSE plans to offer an aptitude test for classes IX and X from 2010.The first test will be available by February 2010. By the time a student reaches Class XI, he/she would have undertaken the aptitude test twice once at the end of class IX and then at the end of class X. These factors combined will help a student take a prudent decision.

If formative assessment helps teachers to identify learning difficulties of students then why should it form part of the student’s evaluation when learning is still in formative stage?

  • The National Policy on Education (1986) emphasizes that at school level, evaluation should be formative or developmental in nature. At this stage, the child is in formative stage of learning. She/ he wants to discuss and clarify many doubts for better conceptual clarity. Unless we assess learner’s efforts, performance, attitudes to learning and abilities to apply what is learned in every day situations, we may not be able to help him/ her in improving his/her learning. Hence through formative assessment, causes of poor performance are diagnosed using diagnostic tests and promptly remediated by giving interventions followed by retesting.

When will a student be filling up self-awareness section in the CCE report card ?

  • This is the only section in CCE certificate that has to be filled in by a student towards the end of academic session of Class X. However, it is very important that a student realizes his goals and strengths right from the beginning. The teachers will be helping the students to understand the meaning and importance of this section.

How to bridge the gap between school and Board pattern of marking of answer sheets?

  • The marking of answer sheets in Board examination is done in a systematic manner using a well design marking scheme which indicates the allocation of marks for different value points in an answer. In case of all summative assessments at school level, the marking scheme will be provided by the Board.

What if a child falls sick during summative examination? Will he or she be tested again?

  • Yes, it is mandatory for the students to appear in the summative examination. However, the timings and procedure for re-assessment may be decided at school level.

Will I be continually informed of my child’s performance and progress in studies?

  • Parents are active partners with schools in realizing the true potential of their children. Though formal reporting of students’ performance is done twice during an academic session, CCE provides for regular interaction with parents through parents teachers meetings (PTMs) etc.

In my child’s school, the class teacher does not like my child. Will that affect my child’s assessment?

  • Evaluating on scholastic and co,scholastic aspects is not done by a single teacher but by a team of teachers teaching students based on test scores, participation in different activities, observation findings etc. Hence chances of biased assessment are minimized.

What does the Board expect from the parents so that it benefits their children to maximum extent?

  • The parents are expected to go through the philosophy of the scheme of CCE and support the teachers in all programmes and activities of the school for balanced personality development of their ward. Parents also need to encourage and motivate their students to take active part in different activities.
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