Ramanujan encyclopedia launched


An encyclopedia of Srinivasa Ramanujan and his mathematics is being launched by Springer. This was announced by Marc Strauss, Editorial Director, Mathematics, of Springer, North America, at an international conference of mathematics held at the University of Florida. “The comprehensive encyclopedia of about 1000 pages, in two volumes, will contain everything important about Ramanujan’s life and mathematics,” said Mr. Strauss during his announcement at the recently held International Conference on Number Theory at the University of Florida. “We have assembled a team of leading researchers as Editors-in-Chief, who are experts on Ramanujan, and who have considerable editorial experience, to ensure the success of this massive project,” he added. The Editors-in-Chief of the Ramanujan encyclopedia are Professors Krishnaswami Alladi (University of Florida), George Andrews (The Pennsylvania State University), Bruce Berndt (University of Illinois), and Ken Ono (Emory University). “

The Ramanujan Encyclopedia is a comprehensive reference book that will contain information on all the mathematical contributions of Ramanujan and their impact on scientific fields, as well as on important aspects Ramanujan’s life including the individuals who have played significant roles in his life and with regard to his work. The themes that the encyclopedia will include are: (1) Ramanujan’s life, (2) persons closely connected with Ramanujan’s life or mathematics, (3) Ramanujan’s notebooks and work in India, (4) Ramanujan’s letters to Hardy, (5) Ramanujan in England, (6) Ramanujan’s published papers, (7) Ramanujan’s lost notebook, (8) Ramanujan’s work and its influence, (9) Books/expositions on Ramanujan’s life and work, (10) Ramanujan in the media, (11) honouring and preserving Ramanujan’s legacy, (12) modern developments in research and (13) Ramanujan’s health.

“The encyclopedia will contain several hundred entries in the form of articles by experts that will provide a detailed treatment of these themes. But all entries will be listed alphabetically to facilitate easy reference,” said Professor Alladi. “The encyclopedia will be updated periodically to keep abreast of current developments,” he added.

The Ramanujan encyclopedia is planned not only as a historical document, but also as a valuable reference for those pursuing research on, or related to, Ramanujan’s work. It will be of interest to experts and the lay person alike.

“Springer is already playing a big role in the world of Ramanujan with the publication of the edited versions of Ramanujan’s Notebooks authored by Bruce Berndt, and Ramanujan’s Lost Notebookauthored by George Andrews and Bruce Berndt, as well as The Ramanujan Journal, for which Alladi is the Editor-inChief. The Ramanujan encyclopedia is the next big step in Springer’s commitment to fostering the legacy of Ramanujan,” said Mr. Strauss.


April 03, 2016.Ramanujan encyclopedia launched.The Hindu.retrieved from
