Climate change means war


The recent scientific evidences about the climate change have given us a picture of the physical impacts on our world that we can expect as climate change. These changes are just not environmental, but are political and social as well. Their consequences reach to the very heart of security agenda.

Albert Arnold Algore, an environmentalist and former vice president of US in a statement gives a clear message to the world that “Global warming means war”.

Thus the message is loud and clear from the developed countries that if world over-heats there will be military action against resourceful nations to cater their needs. So it becomes imperative to realize certain facts.

The first thing which we have to realize is that the climate change is coming towards us at a whole lot faster pace than we are realising it. All those who are at the other end of climate business are showing visible panic in all their conversations and writings.

We surely are not going to get through the climate change without taking a whole lot of causalities and prolonged humanitarian crises.

Secondly, we have to realize that the policies which are now in place are inadequate, just changing the light bulbs and driving less would not yield the required results.

Current climate change policies and politics does not adequately reflect credible worst case scenario of the climate change as the policies are poor or are being murdered by the paid scientists of the developed nations which are reluctant to accept that climate change is taking place at a very fast pace.

Hence if we fail to prepare worst case scenario of the climate change, it will be more dangerous than terrorism or the weapons of mass destruction. The cost of sitting silent and doing nothing will render the actions to fight this sleeping beast of climate change at some later date ineffective.

The hyperbole around the climate change conferences about their meeting the set deadlines is unrealistic.

Green house gases were rising at about one percent when climate change treaty was signed in 1992 now they are growing at about four percent and almost every nation is further moving into industrialized commercial society which is adding to the problem.

The present population is in need of one more planet that can actually support us sustainably, however there is none.

As for every degree rise in temperature, there will be a tremendous reduction in the supply of staple food items and the water resources. The immediate effect of this condition will be the mass migration of the people from the most affected areas to the lesser ones.

Under such circumstances it will be most difficult to manage the sovereignty of the nations, leading to the internal disputes between the countries and may possibly trigger international wars as well.

As the world will over heat in the coming decades there will be a great water stress which will increase the tensions between the volatile countries such as India, Pakistan and China. As it has been reported that China had carved out a plan to re-route the Brahamputra and the Pakistan have already warned that if India uses water weapon then it will use nuclear weapon on the first priority basis against India.

That is why in a number of countries climate change scenarios are playing a greater role in the military planning process which is absolutely horrible. With the global temperature rising up rapidly there is an eminent threat of wars, including a nuclear war. If that happen this international cooperation of curbing climate change will go out of the window.


December 10, 2016.Climate change means war.Rising Kashmir.retrieved from

Climate change means war