DPS Srinagar celebrates World Heritage Day


Delhi Public School Srinagar celebrated ‘World Heritage Day’ with a colourful assembly.

The school in a statement said the celebrations were detailed and included carefully thought performances to celebrate the heritage of the state and create awareness about it.

“A traditional prayer in Kashmiri commenced the celebrations. It was followed by the traditional Kashmiri theatrical practice of Ladishah, which aimed at making the audience aware about the importance of heritage and its preservation. The traditional dance ceremony of dance ro’uf, the heart and soul of Kashmiri culture added to the festivity. Besides these, a number of other events including dance, singing and flag show marked the celebrations,” the statement said.

Among others, the assembly was attended by the pro vice chairman Vijay Dhar,  Kiran Dhar, Principal  Alistair R A Freese, the vice principal Shafaq Afshan, academic Incharges and other teachers.

Speaking on the occasion, the principal Alistair R.A Freese highlighted that maintaining links with the heritage is important for preservation of culture. He said students must remain connected to their heritage to retain their identity as inhabitants of the state. The pro-vice Chairman addressed the students and remarked “the school will encourage students at every step to revive and restore the glorious heritage of the valley. Education is not merely an academic process but connecting students with the society and their culture.”

REFERENCE: http://www.greaterkashmir.com/news/srinagar-city/dps-srinagar-celebrates-world-heritage-day/283160.html


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