Discover your true calling through psychometric tests

It is a useful tool that offers career clarity and opens up new possibilities.

Love them or loathe them, in today’s competitive scenario, there is nothing more adequate than a psychometric test to understand one’s persona, mental make-up and skills. All it requires is to analyse the answers to a specific set of questions.

After completing their board exams, choosing the right subject for graduation can be an arduous task for students. Scientific and easy-to-use online assessment tools such as psychometric tests can be instrumental in helping them choose the right career at the right time. Students can get a personalised report based on their answers, which is then matched with the available career options, gradually charting the path to economic growth for the nation.

The right path

Measuring educational progress through examination results is passé and inadequate in today’s competitive scenario as these results are influenced by a wide range of factors. While it makes sense to pursue careers that play to a student’s specific abilities, exam results alone should not define their career choices. A psychometric test focuses on changing this traditional mindset of people and setting them on the career path that suits their personality. Focusing on the key aspects of an individual such as personality, interests, values and behavioural traits, these tests are successful in determining the inherent passion of students. They are based on the understanding that students can do wonders if they indulge in the work that comes naturally to them. The results of the tests highlight the weaker points of the candidates, so that they can gain knowledge and select careers that play to their strengths and needs. Candidates are also likely to gain the confidence to highlight their abilities at interviews.

Psychometric tests aim at providing better career and recruitment choices not just for students, but also for working professionals and corporate houses. Firms, as well as colleges, are embracing these cutting-edge assessment tools to support their hiring process. Education is one of the main pillars on which the economy of a country thrives. However, the real educational journey starts when students have to choose the subject of their choice, go for further studies and then choose a career line. This is when psychometric tests come into play, guiding students and early professionals between 15 and 30 years of age and assisting them in optimal career planning. They offer career clarity during school and college days and through initial jobs taking into account candidate’s interests and personality. This ensures appropriate hiring for organisations and long-term sustainability in the chosen career path for individuals.

Changing requirements

Psychometrics is considered a sophisticated tool that almost all recruiters favour over the traditional interview, reference and CV method, owing to its accurate indication of how a candidate will actually perform at work. For an HR of any corporate house or a start-up, the biggest challenge today is hiring the right people. Attracting good talent is not considered enough anymore. A prospective candidate must be pronounced as a ‘good hire’ and needs to be the perfect fit. This test makes sure that the recruiters do not end up paying a heavy price for quick, wrong hires.

Recruitment is expected to evolve from a fragmented ecosystem to players implementing ways to work closely with their clients’ requirements. In a positive move, recruitment companies are likely to give up sourcing appropriate candidates to acquiring the right ones by using psychometric tests to shortlist prospective candidates. As this industry is growing at a breakneck speed, start-ups and big corporate companies are now deploying techniques like multi-level assessments, psychometric tests and roping in external partners to make sure they assess potential employees accurately and appoint the right candidate for the required post.

We all make assumptions about our abilities, and one may not completely trust someone else’s judgment with regard to choosing one’s next career or being adjudged on being a perfect fit in an organisation, exclusively on the basis of this online test. However, it is a useful persuasive tool for checking out that career move. Even if you have no idea what you’d like to do, it’s a fun way of getting at a few insights you might never have thought of by yourself. It can throw up unexpected results that open up new career possibilities.


DECEMBER 06, 2015.Discover your true calling through psychometric tests.THE HINDU. retrieved from