Education is Must


Education in today’s world is a prime process in shaping a person’s habits, values and morals. It makes a man a good thinker and well-mannered citizen. It is a must for every person. A person is incomplete without acquiring knowledge as it plays a vital role in converting a man to a civilized person. It ensures a better life by awakening person’s hidden talents. Education has no age bar and is not confined to schools and colleges. Educated person helps the nation by understanding his own duties, promoting national integrity and awareness.

The importance of education helps us choose our career goals accordingly for a bright future. It helps us reach our dreams and achieve great things in life. Education helps us explore our environment and a better path in life. The choice of achieving higher education is a personal decision which in turn opens many professional doors for us. Gaining knowledge and skills means freedom from one’s own darkness. They are the basic factors of education and the means of individual’s prosperity and greatness.

The purpose of education is imparting knowledge to others to make them productive members of society. Regarding education Swami Vivekananda writes: “You cannot teach a child any more than you can grow a plant. The plant develops its own nature. The child in the same way also teaches itself. But you can only help a child go forward in its own way.” A child should be made to learn efficiently. Primary education frames the morale and developing personality of a child.

But education system today is in bad need of change and development. Schools are lacking behind in providing quality education. Quality education is the need of the hour. Quality education motivates us to learn more and more in order to achieve new heights in future. The progress and advancement of our country is based upon the quality education providing in schools. Corruption in education system has become a major challenge to deal immediately. Exploitation of budget funds has made the process weak as well as sluggish than ever expected.


June 5, 2016.Education is Must.Rising Kashmir.retrieved from

Education is Must