Make NCERT books your reference point


Students preparing for medical entrance exams, especially NEET often find physics, a difficult subject to deal with. With its wide variety of numerical questions and theoretical concepts, the subject requires a strong understanding of fundamentals and development of numerical abilities to pass the exam. However, with just two months to go for the competitive exam, it is time to give a final push to your preparation. What is required of you is to create a well thought out time-table and develop a winning strategy for the exam.

Here are a few points that will help you to bolster your NEET Physics preparation and help you ace the exam:

NCERT books

It is imperative to make your physics NCERT books the ‘go-to’ reference point for theoretical learning. Make notes in class, and, while studying, jot down important points in a separate notebook. Make a note of the tricky concepts that you find difficult to comprehend or require help from teachers.

Practice for time limit

For NEET, apart from developing basic concepts, it is necessary to practice and apply those concepts within a set time frame. So, after you complete a topic, take around 50 questions from any question bank and attempt them in 50 minutes. In this way, you will be able to analyse your performance level under the pressure of time constraint. While practising, try to translate your knowledge into scores. Do not resort to guesswork, even while attempting mock papers. Be confident enough to attempt a question or leave it unanswered.

Memorising the formulae and relations

Almost 85 per cent questions asked in NEET are either easy or average and many of them are formula-based questions. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a formula chart for each chapter. This will help you to remember all the formulae and relations well and will save your time during the exam.

Important topics

Certain topics such as kinematics, laws of motion, heat, electromagnetism and modern physics are important.

Time management

How well you attempt physics paper will also depend upon your time management for other subjects during the exam. Start practicing NEET sample papers and follow a strict time slot of 3 hours. Try and bifurcate equal amount of time for each subject.

Previous years’ papers

Practicing more questions will definitely help you to improve your speed and accuracy for the exam. Take up previous years’ medical entrance exam papers on a regular basis. These papers will not only give you an exact idea of the pattern of exam but will also ensure that you attempt only that level of questions which might be asked in NEET. While physics as a subject is very vast, the portions covered for NEET are limited and easy. Always remember one thing, great achievers are not those who do many things each day but are those who attempt same things continuously over a given period of time, perfectly and consistently.

While the aforementioned points are some of the essential preparation tips for Physics section, as days pass by, students need to improvise their preparations accordingly.


20 days before exam

  • This is the time to select chapters based on their weightage in NEET. If you have been solving mock papers and previous years’ question papers, you may now have a fair idea of the weightage given to each chapter in the competitive exam.
  • Revise 2-3 chapters per subject from class notes and practice 25 questions per chapter daily.

7 days before exam

  • With just a week away for the exam, you should utilise time optimally. Do not try to over exert and finish the revision in a jiffy. This is the time to stay positive and confident about your preparations. Ensure that you follow the right diet along with getting sufficient sleep.
  • Revise physics formulae (6 chapters per day), solve two sample papers/previous years’ papers every day.
  • Only revise the topics that you have already done and do not try to learn new things in this short span of time.

1 day before exam

  • Revise formulae, stay positive, take proper food and sleep for at least seven to eight hours.


Apr 5, 2017.Make NCERT books your reference point.The Tribune.retrieved from