With the Joint Entrance Exam (Main ) in just 5 days, students are geared up for the big day. The remaining days would be filled with panic and distraught among students, so it is essential to work level-headedly. Although, each year JEE(main) exams have a stiff competition, but self confidence is the key to sail through the storm. Here are few tips to excel your exams –
Do not start with new topics: There are chances that you have overlooked a few topics in the process of revision. However, it is recommended to not start anything new and clear doubts of already prepared topics, instead. There is a high possibility that starting with something new can confuse you and hence can lead to baffling the existing concepts.
Mock Tests are essential: With ongoing revisions, make sure to dedicate time in solving mock test papers. This not only helps in improving efficiency of attempting questions but helps in time management. Constant practice of mock tests takes you through the entire syllabus at least once in a day, hence allowing you to focus on every concept.
Try sticking to NCERT books: Stay focussed on the NCERT books and don’t take up too many reference books. The major portion of the exam is covered from the NCERT. This forms the basic foundation for you, hence at this point of time it is vital to stick to NCERT study material and strengthen your concepts.
Keep your happiness at priority: Do not stress yourself unnecessarily. If you’re well prepared and confident enough, make sure you don’t panic. To stay stress free make sure you take out time for to rejuvenate yourself, take regular short breaks and try to do what you like. Listen to your favourite music, dance on your favourite number, and spend time with family. This will keep your mood uplifted and give positive vibes.
Stay Healthy to concentrate well: At this time your health plays a very important part in your success.Try to take a morning walk, it is a best way to start your day. No matter how stressed you’re make sure to go outdoors once in a day. Prefer home cooked green veggies, and take small and regular interval. Get adequate sleep; ensure 6-7 hours of sleep every day.
Study Solo in your last days: This is not a very good time to prefer group studies; Group studies at the last minute can increase anxiety and pre-exam jitters. Take up controlled practice of mock tests.
Pro Tip: Not all sections carry equal weightage, Give time to the topics as per their weightage in the examination.
D-Day Tips
On the D-day follow these tips to avoid any panic attacks –
- Sleep well a day before and eat a light breakfast, and do not starve.
- Prepare your stationary well in advance along with your admit card.
- Reach the exam centre 30 minutes early.
- Carry your wrist watch.
- Avoid last minute discussion with friends.
- Read the instructions before attempting the papers
- Make Sure to divide time for each section.
- Save time for revision.
Mar 28, 2017.Last minute tips for JEE(Main).The Times Of India.retrieved from