More of knowledge and less of textbooks are needed in schools


As we witness the cut-throat competition between students increase with every passing minute the academicians feel the need to change the approach towards studies and students. Although many changes have been applied to the education system, many more are needed.

Like including and emphasising more on practical studies than the theoretical mugging-up, so the kids can have a better understanding about the world around them. This will not only reduce the theory pressure but also the number of textbooks and exercise books in junior classes so that the kids enjoy the subjects instead of taking it as a burden.

But if we still want to stick to the NCERT books, there should be more number of examples  and questions at the end of the chapter so that it gets easier for the students to prepare for the exams.

Even though the co-curricular activities and projects are important for the overall development of students, they should be wrapped up before the annual exams begin so they don’t come in between the academic preparation.

And the most important step is to improve the Parent-Teacher-Student coordination. If this coordination isn’t proper, the development of the student will be faulty. The student will not be able to share or discuss anything out of fear.

The government should take steps to stop the commercialization of education. Because it has become nearly impossible for students to continue their education due to high fee structure by schools. The school fee structure should be regulated so that students don’t have to compromise on their studies


31 May 2016.More of knowledge and less of textbooks are needed in schools. Scoonews.retrieved from